Conway's Game of Life is a 0-player computer game, meaning the evolution of the game is entirely determined by the game's initial state. For more information on the game including its rules see's_Game_of_Life.
Your task is to implement a Python command line program that provides the core logic of the game. Some scaffolding is already provided for you to help get things started.
The entry point for your program is src/
. A test file is
at test/
. Run tests with: python3 -m unittest
Your program will use one of the starter patterns in patterns/
to initialize
the game board, and then output the states of the game as lines of text to
standard out. For each new state of the game, your program should print a line
of text containing space separated coordinate pairs of the format x,y
e.g. 0,0 -4,5 1,1
where each coordinate pair represents a live cell on a
2-dimensional grid.
An executable at bin/render
is provided that takes lines of text on
standard in and renders a frame of the game to the terminal for each line. The
faster your game can calculate game state, the faster the game will go.
Once you're finished, you will be able to see a visualization of the gameplay by running:
python3 src/ patterns/<pattern_file>.txt | bin/render
The smaller you make the text of the terminal, the more of the game you will be able to see.