uses stack templates to generate users' projects in a desired cloud. AWS-K3s is a stack template that creates and provisions Kubernetes clusters in AWS cloud by means of k3s utility. The template deploys a k3s cluster using existing or created VPC and domain name.
In this repository you will find all information and samples necessary to start a k3s cluster in AWS.
The resources to be created:
- AWS Key Pair to access running instances of the cluster.
- (optional, if your use domain) Route53 zone
- (optional, if vpc_id is not set) VPC for EKS cluster
- AWS IAM Policy for managing your DNS zone by external-dns
- k3s Kubernetes cluster with addons:
- cert-manager
- ingress-nginx
- external-dns
- argocd
- Terraform version 13+
- AWS account.
- AWS CLI installed.
- kubectl installed.
- client installed.
Configure access to AWS and export required variables.
In empty dir: use cdev generator to create project from this repo:
cdev project create
Edit variables in the example's files, if necessary.
cdev plan
cdev apply