1. Install node js
- dnf install node (Redhat Linux, Fedora, CentOs)
- brew install node (MacOs)
- yum install node (Ubuntu)
2. Install npm packages
- npm install
3. run test cases
- npm run test
Install Postman to test the API's
Download Postman from here - https://www.postman.com/downloads/
Extract Postman from the zip forlder
Install mysql for database
add mysql login credentials for connection with datbase in dbConfig/dbConfig.js file
1. get all questions
- /v2/questions
2. get question by id
- /v2/questions/:question_id
3. get answer by id by question
- /v2/question/:question_id/answer/:answer_id
4. post a user
- /v2/user
5. get user info by Id
- /v2/user/:user_id
1. post question
- /v2/question
2. post answer of a question
- /v2/question/:questId/answer
3. update user record
- /v2/user/self
4. get user info
- /v2/user/self
5. delete answer for a question
- /v2/question/:question_id/answer/:answer_id
7. update answer of a question
- /v2/question/:question_id/answer/:answer_id
8. update question
- /v2/question/:question_id
9. attach file to a question
- /v2/question/:question_id/file
10. attach file to an answer
- /v2/question/:question_id/answer/:answer_id/file
11. delete attached file from a question
- /v2/question/:question_id/file/:file_id
12. delete attach file to a question's answer
- /v2/question/:question_id/answer/:answer_id/file/:file_id
webapp is continously deployed as you merge any changes to the main/master repo in upstream if the
Infrastructure is already created from this repo https://github.com/shakyav-fall2020/infrastructure
Infrastructure also has a pre-condition , it will be successfully created only if the AMI is available whivh
is triggered from https://github.com/shakyav-fall2020/ami on push any changes to the AMI upstream
Log messages added to the application , dependency used log4js