Clustering over +4000 Ted Talks using the most common clustering algorithms and a comparaison between tf-idf and Word Embeddings. Data from:
- Comparison of clustering formed using tf-idf and word embeddings using the most commons clustering algorithms like KMeans, Gaussian Mixture Models and Agglomerative Clustering.
- Tuning of the hyperparameters of all models.
- Comparaison of the results using multiple clustering metrics (DBI, Silhoutte and Calinski).
- Bonus experiment using only the most relevant tf-idf words and partly solving the curse of dimensionality.
- Bonus experiment using word embeddings from Microsoft MiniLM-L12-H384.
- Final analysis using wordclouds and n-grams to identify the topics.
- Found insights about which algorithms and metrics work best for document clustering and why.
- I used cuML, Spark (PySpark) and sentence-transformers.
Wordclouds generated from KMeans with Bert Embeddings:
Wordclouds generated from Gaussian Mixture Models with Bert Embeddings: