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The project represents an extendable Python framework for the electronic structure computations based on the tight-binding method. The code can deal with both finite and periodic systems translated in one, two or three dimensions.

All computations can be governed by means of the python application programming interface (pyAPI) or the command line interface (CLI).

Getting Started


The source distribution can be obtained from GitHub:

git clone [email protected]:freude/NanoNet.git
cd NanoNet

All dependencies may be installed at once by invoking the following command from within the source directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to install the package tb just invoke the following line in the bash from within the source directory:

pip install .

Running the tests

All tests may be run by invoking the command:

nosetests --with-doctest

Python interface

Below is a short example demonstrating usage of the tb package. More illustrative examples can be found in the ipython notebooks in the directory jupyter_notebooks inside the source directory.

If the package is properly installed, the work starts with the import of all necessary modules:

import tb

Below we demonstrate band structure computation for bulk silicon using empirical tight-binding method.

  1. First, one needs to specify atomic species and corresponding basis sets. It is possible to use custom basis set as is shown in examples in the ipython notebooks. Here we use predefined basis sets.

    tb.Atom.orbital_sets = {'Si': 'SiliconSP3D5S'}
  2. Specify geometry of the system - determine position if atoms and specify periodic boundary conditions if any. This is done by creating an object of the class Hamiltonian with proper arguments.

    xyz_file = """2
    Si cell
    Si1       0.0000000000    0.0000000000    0.0000000000
    Si2       1.3750000000    1.3750000000    1.3750000000
    h = tb.Hamiltonian(xyz=xyz_file, nn_distance=2.0)
  3. Initialize the Hamiltonian - compute Hamiltonian matrix elements

    For isolated system:

  4. Specify periodic boundary conditions:

    a_si = 5.50
    PRIMITIVE_CELL = [[0, 0.5 * a_si, 0.5 * a_si],
                     [0.5 * a_si, 0, 0.5 * a_si],
                     [0.5 * a_si, 0.5 * a_si, 0]]
  5. Specify wave vectors:

    sym_points = ['L', 'GAMMA', 'X', 'W', 'K', 'L', 'W', 'X', 'K', 'GAMMA']
    num_points = [15, 20, 15, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20]
    k = tb.get_k_coords(sym_points, num_points)
  6. Find the eigenvalues and eigenstates of the Hamiltonian for each wave vector.

    vals = np.zeros((sum(num_points), h.h_matrix.shape[0]), dtype=np.complex)
    for jj, i in enumerate(k):
        vals[jj, :], _ = h.diagonalize_periodic_bc(list(i))
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
  7. Done.

Command line interface

The package is equipped with the command line tool tb the usage of which reads:

tb [-h] [--k_points_file K_POINTS_FILE] [--xyz XYZ] 
   [--show SHOW] [--save SAVE] 
   [--code_name CODE_NAME] param_file
    positional arguments:
      param_file            Path to the file in the yaml-format containing all
                            parameters needed to run computations.
    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --k_points_file K_POINTS_FILE
                            Path to the txt file containing coordinates of wave
                            vectors for the band structure computations. If not
                            specified, default values will be used.
      --xyz XYZ             Path to the file containing atomic coordinates. If
                            specified, it overrides the coordinates specified in
                            the param_files.
      --show SHOW, -S SHOW  Show figures, 0/1/2. 0 shows nothing, 1 outputs
                            figures on screen, 2 saves figures on disk without
      --save SAVE, -s SAVE  Save results of computations on disk, 0/1.
      --code_name CODE_NAME
                            Code name is added to the names of all saved data

The results of computations will be stored in band_structure.pkl file in the current directory. This file name can be modified by specifying the parameter --code_name.

On the computers with mpi functions installed, instead of tb one has to use its mpi-version tbmpi. The script tbmpi parallelises the loop running over the wave vectors. This script can be used together with the command mpirun (below is an example generating 8 parallel processes):

mpirun -n 8 tbmpi --show=2 --save=1 --k_points=k_points.txt input.yaml 

Examples of usage

Computational methods

The code implements a family of tight-binding method for solids (empirical tight-binding method) [] and molecules (Huckel method) []. All computations are performed from known coupling coefficients and energy spectrum of species. The Hamiltonian matrices are build from a xyz-file containing atomic coordinates. The atomic coordinates are stored in the kd-tree which facilitates fast neighbour searching. The criteria of being neighbours is specified by the nearst neighbour distance. The angular dependence of the hoping matrix elements for two orbitals with different orbital and magnetic quantum numbers is computed using semi-analytical approach proposed by [Podolskiy].

Customize your tight-binding code

Customize atomic properties

Add distance dependence for hopping parameters








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