This Cut and Tag Pipline based on
CUT&Tag Data Processing and Analysis Tutorial from Ye Zheng el. _al.
conda is used to mange software used in this pipeline. For further information, please consult
Included in this repository is the conda_env_no_build.yaml
which contains all packages required to install this pipeline.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Activate conda environment with RNA_Seq.yml file
conda env activate -f conda_env_no_build.yaml
You are now ready to run the pipeline!
Under development
Example bash script can be found in example
use script/main/
to run cut and tag pipeline.
The script takes the following arguments:
- raw_fastq1
- raw_fastq2
- out_dir
- sample_name
- script_dir
- skip_trimmed
- no_rose2
- no_spikein
- peak_caller ( seacr or macs2 )
- ctrl_bedgraph
- ctrl_bam
bash script/main/ $fastq_1 $fastq_2 ${out_dir}/$sample_name $sample_name $script_dir false true $ctrl_bam $ctrl_bedgraph
bash script/post_processing/ script/post_processing/QC $out_dir
- out_dir: directory where the pipeline output directory is
- final_result: path where organized data folder should be
bash $script_folder/ $out_dir $final_result
Single sample output
├── alignment
│ ├── bam
│ └── bed
├── fastqc
├── peak_calling
├── QC_summary
Organized data output
├── bam
├── cpm
├── fastqc
├── frag_legnth
├── Sample_run_frip_score_summary.txt
├── Sample_run_QC_summary.csv
├── peak
└── QC
Note: all reference files should be downloaded to ref folder
- NEB Ultra II Kit is obtained from (If you use other library prep kit other than NEB, you need to obtain adapter sequence from the vendor)
- Bowtie2 genome ref should be downloaded into ref folder. We use the no alternative set.
- E. coli genome ref should be downloaded into ref folder if you use E. coli spike-in
Inspired by ChIP-seq ENCODE 3 pipeline, replicated BAM files are combined for peak calling using MACS2. IDR is then applied to assess the reproducibility of the pooled peak sets.
The script takes the following arguments:
- out_sample : output sample name with path (e.g. out_folder/Sample1_pooled)
- control_bam
- sample_repX_bam : bam files for reach replicates
bash script/pooled_sample_processing/ $out_sample $control_bam $sample_rep1_bam $sample_repX_bam
The script accept only two replicates peak sets and run by using the following argument.
- rep1
- rep2
- pool_peak
- Idr_output_folder
bash script/pooled_sample_processing/ $rep1 $rep2 $pooled_peak $idr_output