Code that has been used for publications
fast_ice_review: Fraser et al. 2023 'Antarctic landfast sea ice: Physical, biogeochemical and ecological significance', Review of Geophysics,
ACCESS_cloud_radiation_eval: Fiddes et al. 2022 'Southern Ocean cloud and shortwave radiation biases in a nudged climate model simulation: does the model ever get it right?', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
DMS_clims: Code to regrid to N96 and apply new land sea mask to the Rev3 DMS climatology
PICCAASO: Mallet el al. 2023 'Untangling the influence of Antarctic and Southern Ocean life on clouds', Elementa,
ACCESS_machine_learning_eval: Fiddes et al. 2023 'A machine learning approach for evaluating Southern Ocean cloud-radiative biases over the Southern Ocean in a global atmosphere model', in prep GMD