With this image you can mount cloud.mail.ru as a FUSE path. MARC-FS is used under the hood. Without GUI login, VNC and so on.
Configure CI to upload builds or write backup scripts with cloud.mail.ru storage.
- Set MAILRU_LOGIN, MAILRU_PASSWORD credentials as env variables
- Start container with local path mounted as volume in a privileged mode
- Copy files in both directions
ENV | Default | Description |
MAILRU_LOGIN | login, e.g. '[email protected]' | |
MAILRU_PASSWORD | password | |
MAILRU_AUTOMOUNT | true | Mount clound on container start |
$ echo "Hello Mail.ru" > hello.txt
$ docker run -v "$PWD":/local_drive -e [email protected] -e MAILRU_PASSWORD=secret123 --rm --privileged udalov/cloud-mail-ru-docker:0.1.1 cp /local_drive/hello.txt /tmp/mailru/hello.txt
There some other projects doing pretty the same:
So why do we need another one? The key feature of cloud-mail-ru-docker is ability to avoid GUI authentication at all. It is important when using CI to deliver builds, e.g..