Definition files for NodeMCU, a Lua based firmware for the ESP8266 WiFi SoC from Espressif, to use with Lua Language Server for autocomplete in
- Visual Studio Code
- Neovim
- IntelliJ IDEA
- ZeroBrane Studio
If you use VS Code or Neovim, then you need to install the sumneko's lua-language-server first.
In VS Code, definition files can easily be installed and enabled by the addon manager.
In Neovim you will have to install the definition files manually.
Create directory with arbitrary name e.g. nodeMCU-emmylua and copy directories from this repository into it as shown in the example below.
Note: config.json
, plugin.lua
and library
are predefined names.
Here is the directories structure:
| | config.json # settings for esp32 environment
| | plugin.lua
| |___library
| | *.lua # definition files for the dev-esp32 branch
| | config.json # settings for esp8266 environment
| | plugin.lua
| |___library
| | *.lua # definition files for the dev branch
|___esp32-idf3 (stale branch)
| config.json # settings for esp32-idf3 environment
| plugin.lua
| *.lua # definition files for the dev-esp32-idf3-final branch
Then set path to the directories in the setting User -> Lua.workspace.userThirdParty
. For example:
"Lua.workspace.userThirdParty": [
The sumneko.lua extension provides a number of parameters that are stored in .vscode/settings.json.
You can set path to the directory with function annotations for esp8266 OR esp32 OR for esp32-idf3 in the setting "Lua.workspace.library"
"Lua.workspace.library": [
"path/esp<your choose>/library"
To perform the autocomplete some functions specify the path to the script plugin.lua in the setting:
"Lua.runtime.plugin": "path/esp<your choose>/plugin.lua"
You have to also specify Lua.runtime.builtin"
and "Lua.runtime.version"
settings according with config.json file content.
Since version 2.3.1 of sumneko.lua extension you can use new feature Automatic adapt to the project environment.
The extension will try to determine the runtime environment by keywords from config.json and set the appropriate settings in settings.json.
Hint! When starting new project you can type in short keyword ---esp32
or ---esp8266
followed by Enter
into any_file.lua in workspace and environment will set up automatically.
You have to install the IntelliJ-EmmyLua plugin. The auto-completion capabilities of this plugin differ from those of the sumneko extension. Therefore, some of the advanced features will not be supported.
You will need to convert files from sumneko format to IDEA format by running sumn2idea.lua script from the tools
To get auto-complete functions in ZeroBrane Studio you have to convert the NodeMCU API descriptions to ZeroBrane Studio format by running sumn2zbs.lua script.
The script requires ZeroBrane Studio already installed to run.
copy script
folder -
folders with module.lua files toZBS/api/lua
'bme280_c_module.lua' is deprecated. You must delete this file from esp8266
before converting, otherwise, the conversion will fail with an error.
If you want to use bme280 C module instead of Lua module bme280.lua you could add lines
---@class bme280
bme280 = {}
in file 'bme280_c_module.lua' and delete file 'bme280.lua'.
- run as "../../bin/lua sumn2zbs.lua "srcDir" >outputFile.lua" from
folder. If no "srcDir" is given, script uses ./esp8266 directory;
lua sumn2zbs.lua >nodemcu.lua
otherwise, the argument is directory's name and script uses ./"arg" directory.
lua sumn2zbs.lua esp32 >nodemcu32.lua
- launch the IDE with setting ->
api = {'nodemcu'}
orapi = {'nodemcu32'}
to confirm it's loading without issues.