ModusToolbox™ SensiML Machine Learning Inference SDK
The sensiml ml infereence sdk is the wrapper code for running the libsensiml.a library generated by SensiML Analytics Toolkit on PSoC™ 6 microcontrollers.
SensiML provides the following API methods for running the SensiML inference engine deployed machine learning models:
sensiml_init: Initializes the SensiML Machine Learning models so they are ready to run
sensiml_recognition: Runs the SensiML Machine learning model and provides either an inference result of 0 which is unknown, or an integer value that corresponds the the models class map to identify the label. If the model needs more data before it can inference, a -1 will be returned.
To build a machine learning model using the SensiML Analytics toolkgit go to and sign up for a community edition account. Follow the documentation to get started building machine learning models. Once you have build a model, download a SensiML model library (libsensiml.a) and add it to your project. You will then use the API's from this library to call the model
- SensiML Machine Learning Documentation
- ModusToolbox™ Software Environment, Quick Start Guide, Documentation, and Videos
- SensiML
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