Oshinko allows you to write features in Gherkin that will execute code with iOS UIAutomation.
For example:
Scenario: Going to the New Players screen
Given I am on the "Players" tab
When I tap the right navigation bar
Then I should see a navigation bar with title "Add Player"
Step Definitions are defined in Javascript:
Oshinko.given(/I am on the "([^\"]*)" tab/, function(window, tabName) {
var tabBar = window.tabBar();
Oshinko.then(/I should see a navigation bar with title "([^\"]*)"/, function(window, captures) {
var navBar = window.navigationBar();
var title = captures[0];
assertEquals(title, navBar.name());
You should use git submodules to add Oshinko to your project
git submodule add git://github.com/sens3/oshinko.git MyApp/UIAutomationTests/js/oshinko
Oshinko itself uses git submodules for it's one dependency: tuneup_js. Thus, make sure to install the submodules by running:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Oshinko ships with a bunch of default step definitions, like the one above. And tuneup's assertion methods are used to implement them.
Oshinko expects a certain directory structure:
- UIAutomationTests
- /js
- /oshinko
- /step_definitions # your step definitions, if you have any
- main.js # the file you will feed to UIAutomation
- /features
- foo.feature
- bar.feature
Your main script should look like this:
// Load Oshinko
#import "oshinko/oshinko.js"
// Load your step definitions (if you have any)
#import "step_definitions/mine.js"
// Run Oshinko
Simply execute the included bash script:
You might have to edit this, based on your workspace/project structure.
You might want to add these two to your .gitignore:
Not all of Gherkin is yet implemented. What you can do is the basic Given/When/Then/And.
The app is restarted for each feature, but not for every scenario.
Oshinko does not magically fix UIAutomation. Yet.