New Features/Modifications
Double-Opt In for contact creation added
Child id as identifier along with api-key for Reseller API Operations
New parameter added to activate smsCampaign for a reseller child
New parameter added for language in /reseller/children route
Get email event reports api: reason for bounces is not visible in response
Performance improvement in Add/Remove credits for Reseller children
Performance improvement for remove all contacts from a list
Fixed issue of re-creation of a contact if it was already deleted during MA workflow
Better handling of error responses for sending transactional email route
API instance SMTPApi renamed to TransactionalEmailsApi
Added Contact Id as additional key for contact operations
Extended statistics for A/B test results
Added sender id parameter in sendTransactionalEmail
Made IP non-mandatory for getContactDetails route
RedirectionUrl is now mandatory for DOI
Sent event now included in events array for transactional webhook
Change in length of sender
Fixed response for getEmailCampaigns in case of no email campaign
Removed parameters - Subject, contentType, bcc and cc from sendReport routes (will be ignored if passed in the request)
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