用于快速高效地生成并校验符合Amazon SP-API LISTING JSON结构的npm包。
pnpm install spapi-listing-builder --save
import { SchemaCheck, ListingProduct } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
const schemaCheck = new SchemaCheck(myJsonSchema, {})
const myJsonSchema = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, './schema/HOME.json')).toString(),
const listingData = {
sku: "SKU-1234",
product_type: "HOME",
title: "i am product title",
product_description: "i am product description",
bullet_points: ["i am bullet point 1", "i am bullet point 2"],
brand_name: "i am brand name",
product_identifier_type: "EAN",
product_identifier_id: "123457689",
condition: "new_new",
manufacturer: "your manufacturer",
manufactuer_id: "9527",
weight: 1,
height: 1,
length: 2,
width: 3,
recommendedBrowseNodes: ["123", "456"],
is_electric: 0,
search_terms: "i am search terms",
quantity: 99,
deal_time: 2,
sell_price: 66.77,
country_of_origin: "CN",
item_type_keyword: "SHOES",
imgs: [
type: "Main",
url: "",
type: "Swatch",
url: "",
type: "PT1",
url: "",
const product = new ListingProduct({
marketplace_id: "ATVPDKIKX0DER",
data: listingData,
renderOtherAttributesFn: ({ renderListingArrValue, data }) => {
return {
list_price: renderListingArrValue(data.sell_price),
const schemaCheck = new SchemaCheck(myJsonSchema, product.attributes).validate();
type: 'error',
name: 'NoAdditionalPropertiesError',
code: 'no-additional-properties-error',
message: 'Additional property `recommended_browse_nodes` in `#` is not allowed',
data: {
pointer: '#',
schema: [Object],
value: [Object],
property: 'recommended_browse_nodes',
properties: [Array]
type: 'error',
name: 'RequiredPropertyError',
code: 'required-property-error',
message: 'The required property `model_number` is missing at `#`',
data: {
key: 'model_number',
pointer: '#',
schema: [Object],
value: [Object]
import { SchemaCheck } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
const schemaCheck = new SchemaCheck(myJsonSchema, {})
// 返回所有schema项的表单
// 返回schema必填项的表单
"field": "brand",
"label": "Brand Name",
"component": "Input",
"componentProps": {
"placeholder": "Provide the brand name of the product",
"max": 100,
"min": 1
"required": true
"field": "bullet_point",
"label": "Key Product Features",
"component": "Input",
"componentProps": {
"placeholder": "Brief descriptive text, called out via a bullet point, regarding a specific aspect of the product. These display directly under or next to your product photo, it is useful to put interesting information in these fields. Do NOT use all caps or abbreviations. Please do NOT use for fabric content, care instructions or country as these are populated in different fields.",
"max": 700,
"min": 0
"required": true
"field": "country_of_origin",
"label": "Country of Publication",
"component": "Select",
"componentProps": {
"placeholder": "Select the product's country of origin",
"options": [...anyOptions]
"required": true
"field": "item_name",
"label": "Product Name",
"component": "Input",
"componentProps": {
"placeholder": "Provide a title for the item that may be customer facing",
"max": 200,
"min": 0
"required": true
- 上传产品 ListingProduct
- 上传跟卖产品 ListingProduct
- 设置产品库存 ListingQuantity
- 设置产品价格 ListingPrice
- 设置产品图片 ListingImg
- 设置变体关系 ListingRelation
import { ListingProduct } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
const listingData = {
sku: "SKU-1234",
product_type: "HOME",
title: "i am product title",
product_description: "i am product description",
bullet_points: ["i am bullet point 1", "i am bullet point 2"],
brand_name: "i am brand name",
product_identifier_type: "EAN",
product_identifier_id: "123457689",
condition: "new_new",
manufacturer: "your manufacturer",
manufactuer_id: "9527",
weight: 1,
height: 1,
length: 2,
width: 3,
recommendedBrowseNodes: ["123", "456"],
is_electric: 0,
search_terms: "i am search terms",
quantity: 99,
deal_time: 2,
sell_price: 66.77,
country_of_origin: "CN",
item_type_keyword: "SHOES",
imgs: [
type: "Main",
url: "",
type: "Swatch",
url: "",
type: "PT1",
url: "",
new ListingProduct({
marketplace_id: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER',
data: listingData,
renderOtherAttributesFn: ({ renderListingArrValue, data }) => {
return {
list_price: renderListingArrValue(data.sell_price),
// 返回结果
"productType": "HOME",
"requirements": "LISTING",
"attributes": {
"purchasable_offer": [
"our_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 66.77
"fulfillment_availability": [
"fulfillment_channel_code": "DEFAULT",
"quantity": 99,
"lead_time_to_ship_max_days": 2
"item_name": [
"value": "i am product title"
"manufacturer": [
"value": "your manufacturer"
"item_weight": [
"unit": "kilograms",
"value": "1.00"
"gift_options": [
"can_be_messaged": "false",
"can_be_wrapped": "false"
"item_type_keyword": [
"value": "SHOES"
"condition_type": [
"value": "new_new"
"number_of_items": [
"value": "1"
"externally_assigned_product_identifier": [
"value": "123457689",
"type": "EAN"
"recommended_browse_nodes": [
"value": "123"
"value": "456"
"bullet_point": [
"value": "i am bullet point 1"
"value": "i am bullet point 2"
"item_package_quantity": [
"value": "1"
"item_dimensions": [
"height": {
"unit": "centimeters",
"value": 1
"length": {
"unit": "centimeters",
"value": 2
"width": {
"unit": "centimeters",
"value": 3
"part_number": [
"value": "9527"
"max_order_quantity": [
"value": "100"
"product_description": [
"value": "i am product description"
"supplier_declared_dg_hz_regulation": [
"value": "not_applicable"
"brand": [
"value": "i am brand name"
"generic_keyword": [
"value": "i am search terms"
"country_of_origin": [
"value": "CN"
"main_product_image_locator": [
"media_location": ""
"swatch_product_image_locator": [
"media_location": ""
"other_product_image_locator_1": [
"media_location": ""
"list_price": [
"value": "66.77"
const follow_goods = new ListingProduct({ marketplace_id: 'ATVPDKIKX0DER', data: {
product_type: 'HOME',
asin: 'B07Z8Z1VCC',
condition: 'new_new',
quantity: 100,
deal_time: 3,
sell_price: 88.88,
}, type: 'FOLLOW_ASIN' }).main()
// 返回结果
"productType": "HOME",
"requirements": "LISTING_OFFER_ONLY",
"attributes": {
"condition_type": [
"value": "new_new"
"merchant_suggested_asin": [
"value": "B07Z8Z1VCC"
"fulfillment_availability": [
"fulfillment_channel_code": "DEFAULT",
"quantity": 100,
"lead_time_to_ship_max_days": 3
"purchasable_offer": [
"our_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 88.88
import { ListingQuantity } from "spapi-listing-builder";
new ListingQuantity({ quantity: 3, deal_time: 2 })
// 返回结果
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/fulfillment_availability",
"value": [
"audience": "ALL",
"quantity": 3,
"lead_time_to_ship_max_days": 2
import { ListingPrice } from "spapi-listing-builder";
new ListingPrice({ sell_price: 100, low_price: 90, max_price: 110 }).main()
// 返回结果
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/purchasable_offer",
"value": [
"audience": "ALL",
"our_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 100
"minimum_seller_allowed_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 90
"maximum_seller_allowed_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 110
import { ListingImg } from "spapi-listing-builder";
new ListingImg([
{ type: 'Main', url: 'http://main.jpg' },
{ type: 'Swatch', url: 'http://thumb.jpg' },
// 返回结果
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/main_product_image_locator",
"value": [
"media_location": "http://main.jpg"
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/swatch_product_image_locator",
"value": [
"media_location": "http://thumb.jpg"
import { ListingRelation } from "spapi-listing-builder";
new ListingRelation('parent_sku123').main()
// 返回结果
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/child_parent_sku_relationship",
"value": [
"child_relationship_type": "variation",
"parent_sku": "parent_sku123"
- Feed上传产品 FeedProduct
- Feed上传库存 FeedQuantity
- Feed上传价格 FeedPrice
- Feed上传图片 FeedImg
- Feed上传变体关系 FeedRelation
import { FeedProduct } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
new FeedProduct('sellerId', 'ATVPDKIKX0DER', [listingData, parentListingData])
// 返回结果
"header": {
"sellerId": "sellerId",
"version": "2.0",
"issueLocale": "en_US"
"messages": [
"messageId": 1,
"sku": "SKU-1234",
"operationType": "UPDATE",
"productType": "HOME",
"requirements": "LISTING",
"attributes": listingDataAttributes
"messageId": 2,
"sku": "SKU-parent01",
"operationType": "UPDATE",
"productType": "HOME",
"requirements": "LISTING",
"attributes": parentListingDataAttributes
import { FeedQuantity } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
new FeedQuantity('sellerId', [{ sku: 'sku-1', quantity: 100, deal_time: 3 }])
// 返回结果
"header": {
"sellerId": "sellerId",
"version": "2.0",
"issueLocale": "en_US"
"messages": [
"messageId": 1,
"sku": "sku-1",
"operationType": "PATCH",
"productType": "PRODUCT",
"patches": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/fulfillment_availability",
"value": [
"fulfillment_channel_code": "DEFAULT",
"quantity": 100,
"lead_time_to_ship_max_days": 3
import { FeedPrice } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
new FeedPrice('sellerId', [{ country_code: 'us', sku: 'sku-1', sell_price: 100 }])
// 返回结果
"header": {
"sellerId": "sellerId",
"version": "2.0",
"issueLocale": "en_US"
"messages": [
"messageId": 1,
"sku": "sku-1",
"operationType": "PATCH",
"productType": "PRODUCT",
"patches": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/purchasable_offer",
"value": [
"audience": "ALL",
"our_price": [
"schedule": [
"value_with_tax": 100
import { FeedImg } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
new FeedImg('sellerId', [
sku: 'sku-1',
imgs: [
{ type: 'Main', url: 'http://main.jpg' },
{ type: 'Swatch', url: 'http://thumb.jpg' },
// 返回结果
"header": {
"sellerId": "sellerId",
"version": "2.0",
"issueLocale": "en_US"
"messages": [
"messageId": 1,
"sku": "sku-1",
"operationType": "PATCH",
"productType": "PRODUCT",
"patches": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/main_product_image_locator",
"value": [
"media_location": "http://main.jpg"
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/swatch_product_image_locator",
"value": [
"media_location": "http://thumb.jpg"
import { FeedRelation } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
new FeedRelation('sellerId', [
{ sku: 'child-sku', parent_sku: 'parent_sku-123' }
// 返回结果
"header": {
"sellerId": "sellerId",
"version": "2.0",
"issueLocale": "en_US"
"messages": [
"messageId": 1,
"sku": "child-sku",
"operationType": "PATCH",
"productType": "LUGGAGE",
"patches": [
"op": "replace",
"path": "/attributes/child_parent_sku_relationship",
"value": [
"child_relationship_type": "variation",
"parent_sku": "parent_sku-123"
import { renderListingArrValue } from 'spapi-listing-builder'
// 返回结果
"value": "test"
// 返回结果
"value": 'true'
height: {
unit: 'centimeters',
value: 1,
length: {
unit: 'centimeters',
value: 2,
width: {
unit: 'centimeters',
value: 3,
// 返回结果
height: {
unit: 'centimeters',
value: 1,
length: {
unit: 'centimeters',
value: 2,
width: {
unit: 'centimeters',
value: 3,
MIT License © 2024-PRESENT wangjue666