Your app is never crash and your users never see "this app unfortunately has stopped" message. And your app never force to close.
Add your build.grandle (PROJECT: xxx) :
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Add your build.grandle(app or where you want use it) :
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.selimtoksal:CaughtGlobalExceptionLib:v1.0.1'
And your all activities :
public class YourActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public TransferObject transferObject = new TransferObject();
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
transferObject.setCrashText("D'oh! Its Crash.."); // your error message "oops its crash" or something.
transferObject.setDestinationActivity(YourStartupActivity.class); //MUST BE UR STARTING ACTIVITY
transferObject.setDetailsButonText("Details"); // showing stacktrace. change your button's text what you want
transferObject.setRestartAppButtonText("Contiune"); // restart your app. change your button's text what you want
transferObject.setImagePath(R.drawable.homer); // ur error image change what you want. MUST BE "R.drawable.example"
transferObject.setBackgorundHex("#ffffff"); // ur crash activity's backgorund color.change what you want.
transferObject.setCrashTextColor("#000000"); // CrashText's color. MUST BE HEX CODE
Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new CosmosException(this,transferObject)); //this our girl
And thats it! Easy.
Or simply set it all once:
public class YourActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
public TransferObject transferObject = new TransferObject();
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
transferObject.setCrashText("D'oh! Its Crash..") // your error message "oops its crash" or something.
.setDestinationActivity(YourStartupActivity.class) // MUST BE UR STARTING ACTIVITY
.setDetailsButonText("Details") // showing stacktrace. change your button's text what you want
.setRestartAppButtonText("Contiune") // restart your app. change your button's text what you want
.setImagePath(R.drawable.homer) // ur error image change what you want. MUST BE "R.drawable.example"
.setBackgorundHex("#ffffff") // ur crash activity's backgorund color.change what you want.
.setCrashTextColor("#000000"); // CrashText's color. MUST BE HEX CODE
Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new CosmosException(this,transferObject)); // this our girl
And thats it! Easy.