[VN] Hệ thống quản lý lớp học bao gồm quản trị viên, giáo viên và học sinh. Quản trị viên có trách nhiệm quản lý tài khoản, phân quyền, và quản lý thông tin lớp học. Giáo viên có thể quản lý thông tin lớp, điểm số, và tương tác với học sinh. Học sinh có thể xem thông tin cá nhân, kết quả học tập và tham gia các khóa học.
[EN] The classroom management system includes administrators, teachers, and students. Administrators are responsible for account management, authorization, and class information management. Teachers can manage class information, scores, and interact with students. Students can view personal information, academic results, and take courses.
- Framework: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/aspnet
- Integrated Development Environment: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/
- Language: C#, Js, Css, Html
- Use: SQL SEVER / https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/ssms
- Demo: https://github.com/ddryuu/Information-system-design/blob/main/QuanLyLop.sql
- Introducing .NET Technology: Asp.NET MVC
ASP.NET Core is a collection of libraries as a new Framework for building applications web when there is an internet connection, it is a Microsoft product that is quite famous in the community co-programming nowadays when there are so many bloggers, tech vblogs showing attention and care about it. As soon as it appeared, there were a series of ASP.NET Core tutorials and articles Comparative writing, instructions, and discussions are dissected.
- Build ASP.NET Core Web UI and ASP.NET Core Web API using ASP.NET Core MVC
For a long time, web programming has always been the playground of PHP, but with its appearance ASP.NET Core has proven its power enough to compete with him large PHP. And here are the reasons why .NET can confidently compare with PHP. The Web applications you create can be tested according to the MVC (Model-View Controller) Razor provides us with an efficient language to create Views Tag Helper for server side code involved in creating and rendering HTML elements Automatically map data from the HTTP request to the parameters of the above action method Model Binding. Model Validation automatically performs validation and the server
- Developed on client-side: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Tools_and_testing/Understanding_client-side_tools
ASP.NET Core is designed to seamlessly integrate with multiple client-sides frameworks, including AngularJS, KnockoutJS and Bootstrap.
- Xác định tác nhân
- Học sinh (user)
- Quản lý (admin)
- Giáo viên (user)
- Xác định Use Case
- Use Case đăng nhập (login)
- Use Case đăng xuất (logout)
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- Use Case quản lí tài khoản admin
- Use Case quản lí môn học
- Use Case quản lý lớp
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Hoc sinh
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Giao Vien
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- For Students
- The website is built with the goal of providing students with an easy-to-use platform to manage their learning activities, such as checking grades, viewing schedules, and more.
- Students start by logging into the website using their respective accounts, where they can access personal information including their full name, student ID, date of birth, address, email, and the current class they are attending.
- Additionally, students can log into their accounts to check their grades and view their individual schedules.
- For Teachers
- Here, teachers can log in to their accounts to view the list of students in the classes they teach and check their teaching schedules.
- For Administrators
- The website provides a user interface for system administrators to manage all the functions it offers. Administrators can access features such as checking grades, student information, teacher information, class details, and many other functions.
- Main Functions of the Website:
- Design interface using Bootstrap, Javascript, CSS.
- Load database content onto the website.
- Implement operations to add, delete, and edit information for students and teachers.
- Implement login functionality for students, teachers, and administrators.
- Use a shared layout for consistency. ...