Generic cable class for Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data modeling (forward) and inversion (adjoint).
Download the code from the repository:
git clone
Install the package:
cd GenericCable
pip install .
Read the examples in the examples
folder to get started with the package.
- Deal with irregular fiber geometry
- Forward modeling of DAS data based on SPECFEM3D
- Full-waveform inversion of DAS data
- Smart DAS cable design for imaging and monitoring
- Full-waveform moment-tensor inversion
- Field-data examples
- The coupling between the fiber and the subsurface is not considered
- The pulse sent into the fiber is assumed to be a delta function for the current version
- The change in the fiber properties due to the subsurface is not considered
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
I would like to thank Stanford Earth imaging Project (SEP) affiliate companies and acknowledge helpful discussions with Dr. Milad Bader.
To be added