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Ladislav Gazo edited this page Aug 29, 2015 · 1 revision

Migration from Gilead 1.2.3 to Gilead 1.3.2

Casting HashMap

You can get following exception while migrating:

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to net.sf.gilead.pojo.gwt.IGwtSerializableParameter


ProxyStore should have defined proxy serializer in the correct way, so you have to change original instantiating from:

StatelessProxyStore proxyStore = new StatelessProxyStore();


StatelessProxyStore proxyStore = new StatelessProxyStore();
proxyStore .setProxySerializer(new GwtProxySerialization());
persistentBeanManager.setProxyStore(proxyStore );

or using spring XML configuration:

<bean id="proxyStore"
	<property name="proxySerializer">  
		<bean class="net.sf.gilead.core.serialization.GwtProxySerialization"/>

LightEntity super class

Change LightEntity super class from




Or new ILightEntity implementation

protected Map<String, IGwtSerializableParameter> _proxyInformations;

protected Map<String, Boolean> _initializationMap;

public void addProxyInformation(String property, Object proxyInfo) {
	if (_proxyInformations == null) {
		_proxyInformations = new HashMap<String, IGwtSerializableParameter>();
	_proxyInformations.put(property, (IGwtSerializableParameter) proxyInfo);

public void removeProxyInformation(String property) {
	if (_proxyInformations != null) {

public Object getProxyInformation(String property) {
	if (_proxyInformations != null) {
		return _proxyInformations.get(property);
	} else {
		return null;

public String getDebugString() {
	if (_proxyInformations != null) {
		return _proxyInformations.toString();
	} else {
                return null;

public boolean isInitialized(String property) {
	if (_initializationMap == null) {
		return true;

	Boolean initialized = _initializationMap.get(property);
	if (initialized == null) {
		return true;
	return initialized.booleanValue();

public void setInitialized(String property, boolean initialized) {
	if (_initializationMap == null) {
		_initializationMap = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
	_initializationMap.put(property, initialized);

public Object getUnderlyingValue() {
	return this;

GWT module naming change

Change original GWT module from

<inherits name='net.sf.gilead.Adapter4Gwt15'/>


<inherits name='net.sf.gilead.Gilead4Gwt'/>

Gilead projects naming change

adapter-core -> gilead-core

hibernate-util -> gilead-hibernate

adapter4gwt -> gilead4gwt

All libraries can be obtained from

Simultaneously Fetch Multiple Bags

When an entity has more than one non-lazy association that might be interpreted as a bag (e.g., java.util.List or java.util.Collection properties annotated with @CollectionOfElements or @OneToMany or @ManyToMany and not annotated with @IndexColumn) hibernate will fail to fetch the entity correctly.


Use the Set, Luke

UnsupportedOperationException in AbstractList

Let's have a test case where we are working with Hibernate. The test creates a list of items using Arrays.asList method. If we persist such list and retrieve it later, the list will be wrapped into PersistentBag (or any PersistentSomething class of Hibernate). In case we are trying to put/remove an item from such bag we might get an UnsupportedOperationException on add or remove methods of the bag.


It is because Arrays.asList creates internal list implementation Arrays$ArrayList that is different from java.util.ArrayList. It doesn't have methods to add or remove at specific index overriden. When Hibernate tries to add/remove to specific index it delegates the call to Arrays$ArrayList which throws the exception.

So don't use Arrays.asList or wrap it e.g. using new java.util.ArrayList(collection).

Unsupported Image Type for JPEG using Java Image I/O

If you have a problem reading JPEG images using file) and searched for the right library to read it, you might come to a conclusion - there is none suitable.


Grab and extend your JDK/JRE/Classpath. It contains extended set of formats.

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