vuejs snapshot serializer. with props, data and computed support
# prettier is a requirement
npm add -D vue-snapshot-serializer prettier
In your jest/vitest config
"snapshotSerializers": [
A snapshot is just a string. We use to make snapshots of DOM (html string), but we could print whatever we want
I decided that is better to show the html, props, data and computed properties in differents sections of html.
- At first we always have the html Snapshot
- Then, the following sections
<pre id="props-snapshot">
<pre id="data-snapshot">
<pre id="computed-snapshot">
Everything is formatted by prettier, to avoid wrong diff results.
So, a typical snapshot with this library will be something like
// Jest Snapshot v1, `; exports[`path/to/my/component/file
This is the description of my test`] = `
<div class="my-div">
<div class="my-inner-div">
<span>This is my message</span>
second-prop="[Object object]"
<pre id="props-snapshot">
"fooProp": "abcd123",
"barProp": false
<pre id="data-snapshot">
"fooData": {
"fooInnerDataNumber: 23,
"fooInnerDataString: "i am a string"
<pre id="computed-snapshot">
"fooComputed" : {
fooValue: 444