Central repository for 2017-2018 senior capstone project
If this is your first time uses this repo, start by cloning:
-git init git clone https://github.com/seancrwhite/music-genre-predictor.git
Now you will checkout a new branch so the code you add doesn't indirectly crash the working program:
-git checkout -b
You can now start editing the code. When you've come to a stopping point stage your code:
-git add -A
Then you will commit your changes it to your branch
-git commit -am "A quick message about what you've changed"
You'll want to checkout the original branch and pull any changes that have been made to the code while you were editing:
-git checkout git pull
Now merge with your newest branch:
-git merge
Now push your commit to the parent branch:
-git push https://github.com/seancrwhite/music-genre-predictor.git
- Github is used for version control.
- Python Django is the framework used to implement the Model-View-Controller(MVC) layout.