This microservice can be used to proxy and secure other microservices. At the moment, the service provides lightweight Authentication and Authorisation.
It acts as a proxy, searching for the presence of two request headers:
: a unique identifier per Consumer.
: a SHA-256 hash generated for the Consumer
The application hinges on configuration to be set up in the conf/application.conf
field. Here are some current examples as used by the SDKMAN API:
services {
"candidates" = {
url = "http://somehost:8080/candidates"
serviceToken = "default_token"
serviceToken = ${?RELEASE_API_TOKEN}
"candidates/default" = {
url = "http://somehost:8080/candidates/default"
serviceToken = "default_token"
serviceToken = ${?RELEASE_API_TOKEN}
"versions" = {
url = "http://somehost:8080/versions"
serviceToken = "default_token"
serviceToken = ${?RELEASE_API_TOKEN}
"announce/struct" = {
url = "http://somehost:8081/announce/struct"
serviceToken = "default_token"
serviceToken = ${?BROADCAST_API_TOKEN}
In these configuration blocks per service, we have opted for using environment variables, although this is not a necessity. We have also provied default values for each environment variable. Each configuratoin block also specifies an serviceToken
which will be propagated to the underlying microservice as an Service-Token
request header. Provided your microservice communications use SSL, your microservices should be secure.
An endpoint has also been provided for creating new consumers. This endpoint simply takes a JSON PATCH
on /consumer
"consumer": "[email protected]",
"candidates": [
"vendor": "vendor"
and returns a JSON response:
"consumerKey": "5f202e7ab75f00af194c61cc07ae6b0c",
"consumerToken": "9d3d95435ace2906e3ba80c3dfcaf0ededb9084aabc205f6d1232121996185c2",
"name": "[email protected]"
To revoke a consumer, a DELETE
request can be made on the /consumer/{consumer}
endpoint. This returns a JSON response:
"consumerKey": "5f202e7ab75f00af194c61cc07ae6b0c",
"name": "groovy",
"message": "consumer revoked"
The endpoints themselves are secured, and looks for the presence of an Admin-Token
request header. The value of this can be set by providing an ADMIN_TOKEN
environment variable, which defaults to default_token
Once the Consumer Key and Token have been obtained, they can be used to make subsequent calls to proxied endpoints. All these calls will require Consumer-Key
and Consumer-Token
headers to be set respectively for each call.
To run the service tests, spin up postgres with docker as follows:
docker run --name postgres \
-p 5432:5432 \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-e POSTGRES_DB=vendors \
-d postgres
Then run the tests with sbt:
sbt test
Publish docker images for all vendor services:
cd /path/to/vendor-release
sbt docker:publishLocal
cd /path/to/vendor-proxy
sbt docker:publishLocal
Start all datastores and services with docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up
Now interact with the vendor-proxy service through localhost:9000
Create consumer:
curl --request PATCH \
--url http://localhost:9000/consumers \
--header 'Admin-Token: default_token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"consumer" : "[email protected]",
"candidates": [
Create candidate:
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:9000/candidates \
--header 'Consumer-Key: 831a10da1a6808227d8ea75c30f1243f' \
--header 'Consumer-Token: token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"id" : "grails",
"candidate" : "grails",
"name" : "Grails",
"description" : "It'\''s old and useless by now",
"websiteUrl" : "",
"distribution" : "UNIVERSAL"
Release version:
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:9000/versions \
--header 'Consumer-Key: 831a10da1a6808227d8ea75c30f1243f' \
--header 'Consumer-Token: token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"url" : ""
Set version as default
curl --request PUT \
--url http://localhost:9000/candidates/default \
--header 'Consumer-Key: 831a10da1a6808227d8ea75c30f1243f' \
--header 'Consumer-Token: token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{