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Marco Zocca committed Dec 3, 2023
1 parent 211f4c6 commit e74d472
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Showing 3 changed files with 141 additions and 101 deletions.
127 changes: 69 additions & 58 deletions Web/Scotty.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,22 +61,33 @@ import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (Port)
import Web.Scotty.Internal.Types (ScottyT, ActionT, ErrorHandler, Param, RoutePattern, Options, defaultOptions, File, Kilobytes, ScottyState, defaultScottyState, ScottyException, StatusError(..), Content(..))
import UnliftIO.Exception (Handler(..), catch)

-- $setup
-- >>> import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-- >>> import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
-- >>> import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
-- >>> import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS (unpack)
-- >>> import qualified Web.Scotty as S (scotty, get, text, pathParam)
-- >>> :{
-- let
-- curl :: MonadIO m => String -> m String
-- curl path = liftIO $ do
-- req0 <- H.parseRequest path
-- let req = req0 { H.method = "GET"}
-- mgr <- H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings
-- (LBS.unpack . H.responseBody) <$> H.httpLbs req mgr
-- :}
{- $setup
>>> :{
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai as W (httpVersion)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS (unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import qualified Web.Scotty as S (ScottyM, scottyOpts, get, text, regex, pathParam, Options(..), defaultOptions)
-- | GET an HTTP path
curl :: MonadIO m =>
String -- ^ path
-> m String -- ^ response body
curl path = liftIO $ do
req0 <- H.parseRequest path
let req = req0 { H.method = "GET"}
mgr <- H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings
(LBS.unpack . H.responseBody) <$> H.httpLbs req mgr
-- | Fork a process, run a Scotty server in it and run an action while the server is running. Kills the scotty thread once the inner action is done.
withScotty :: S.ScottyM ()
-> IO a -- ^ inner action, e.g. 'curl "localhost:3000/"'
-> IO a
withScotty serv act = bracket (forkIO $ S.scottyOpts (S.defaultOptions{ S.verbose = 0 }) serv) killThread (\_ -> act)

type ScottyM = ScottyT IO
type ActionM = ActionT IO
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,39 +434,37 @@ matchAny = Trans.matchAny
notFound :: ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
notFound = Trans.notFound

-- | Define a route with a 'StdMethod', 'Text' value representing the path spec,
-- and a body ('Action') which modifies the response.
-- > get "/" $ text "beam me up!"
-- The path spec can include values starting with a colon, which are interpreted
-- as /captures/. These are parameters that can be looked up with 'pathParam'.
-- >>> :{
-- let server = S.get "/foo/:bar" (S.pathParam "bar" >>= S.text)
-- in do
-- S.scotty 3000 server
-- curl "http://localhost:3000/foo/something"
-- :}
-- something
{- | Define a route with a 'StdMethod', a route pattern representing the path spec,
and an 'Action' which may modify the response.
> get "/" $ text "beam me up!"
The path spec can include values starting with a colon, which are interpreted
as /captures/. These are parameters that can be looked up with 'pathParam'.
>>> :{
let server = S.get "/foo/:bar" (S.pathParam "bar" >>= S.text)
in do
withScotty server $ curl "http://localhost:3000/foo/something"
addroute :: StdMethod -> RoutePattern -> ActionM () -> ScottyM ()
addroute = Trans.addroute

-- | Match requests using a regular expression.
-- Named captures are not yet supported.
-- >>> :{
-- let server = S.get (S.regex "^/f(.*)r$") $ do
-- cap <- S.pathParam "1"
-- S.text ["Capture:", cap]
-- in do
-- S.scotty 3000 server
-- curl "http://localhost:3000/foo/bar"
-- :}
-- Capture: oo/ba

{- | Match requests using a regular expression.
Named captures are not yet supported.
>>> :{
let server = S.get (S.regex "^/f(.*)r$") $ do
cap <- S.pathParam "1"
S.text cap
in do
withScotty server $ curl "http://localhost:3000/foo/bar"
regex :: String -> RoutePattern
regex = Trans.regex

Expand All @@ -474,18 +483,20 @@ regex = Trans.regex
capture :: String -> RoutePattern
capture = Trans.capture

-- | Build a route based on a function which can match using the entire 'Request' object.
-- 'Nothing' indicates the route does not match. A 'Just' value indicates
-- a successful match, optionally returning a list of key-value pairs accessible
-- by 'param'.
-- > get (function $ \req -> Just [("version", pack $ show $ httpVersion req)]) $ do
-- > v <- param "version"
-- > text v
-- >>> curl "http://localhost:3000/"
-- HTTP/1.1

{- | Build a route based on a function which can match using the entire 'Request' object.
'Nothing' indicates the route does not match. A 'Just' value indicates
a successful match, optionally returning a list of key-value pairs accessible by 'param'.
>>> :{
let server = S.get (function $ \req -> Just [("version", T.pack $ show $ W.httpVersion req)]) $ do
v <- S.pathParam "version"
S.text v
in do
withScotty server $ curl "http://localhost:3000/"
function :: (Request -> Maybe [Param]) -> RoutePattern
function = Trans.function

Expand Down
113 changes: 70 additions & 43 deletions Web/Scotty/Route.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,34 @@ import Web.Scotty.Internal.Types (RoutePattern(..), RouteOptions, Acti
import Web.Scotty.Util (decodeUtf8Lenient)
import Web.Scotty.Body (cloneBodyInfo, getBodyAction, getBodyChunkAction, getFormParamsAndFilesAction)

{- $setup
>>> :{
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as H
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import qualified Network.Wai as W (httpVersion)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS (unpack)
import qualified Data.Text as T (pack)
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, killThread)
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import qualified Web.Scotty as S (ScottyM, scottyOpts, get, text, regex, pathParam, Options(..), defaultOptions)
-- | GET an HTTP path
curl :: MonadIO m =>
String -- ^ path
-> m String -- ^ response body
curl path = liftIO $ do
req0 <- H.parseRequest path
let req = req0 { H.method = "GET"}
mgr <- H.newManager H.defaultManagerSettings
(LBS.unpack . H.responseBody) <$> H.httpLbs req mgr
-- | Fork a process, run a Scotty server in it and run an action while the server is running. Kills the scotty thread once the inner action is done.
withScotty :: S.ScottyM ()
-> IO a -- ^ inner action, e.g. 'curl "localhost:3000/"'
-> IO a
withScotty serv act = bracket (forkIO $ S.scottyOpts (S.defaultOptions{ S.verbose = 0 }) serv) killThread (\_ -> act)

-- | get = 'addroute' 'GET'
get :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => RoutePattern -> ActionT m () -> ScottyT m ()
get = addroute GET
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -60,23 +88,21 @@ matchAny pat action = ScottyT $ MS.modify $ \s -> addRoute (route (routeOptions
notFound :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => ActionT m () -> ScottyT m ()
notFound action = matchAny (Function (\req -> Just [("path", path req)])) (status status404 >> action)

-- | Define a route with a 'StdMethod', 'T.Text' value representing the path spec,
-- and a body ('Action') which modifies the response.
-- > addroute GET "/" $ text "beam me up!"
-- The path spec can include values starting with a colon, which are interpreted
-- as /captures/. These are named wildcards that can be looked up with 'captureParam'.
-- > addroute GET "/foo/:bar" $ do
-- > v <- captureParam "bar"
-- > text v
-- >>> curl http://localhost:3000/foo/something
-- something
-- NB: the 'RouteOptions' and the exception handler of the newly-created route will be
-- copied from the previously-created routes.
{- | Define a route with a 'StdMethod', a route pattern representing the path spec,
and an 'Action' which may modify the response.
> get "/" $ text "beam me up!"
The path spec can include values starting with a colon, which are interpreted
as /captures/. These are parameters that can be looked up with 'pathParam'.
>>> :{
let server = S.get "/foo/:bar" (S.pathParam "bar" >>= S.text)
in do
withScotty server $ curl "http://localhost:3000/foo/something"
addroute :: (MonadUnliftIO m) => StdMethod -> RoutePattern -> ActionT m () -> ScottyT m ()
addroute method pat action = ScottyT $ MS.modify $ \s -> addRoute (route (routeOptions s) (handler s) (Just method) pat action) s

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -145,22 +171,22 @@ mkEnv bodyInfo req captureps opts = do
parseEncodedParams :: B.ByteString -> [Param]
parseEncodedParams bs = [ (k, fromMaybe "" v) | (k,v) <- parseQueryText bs ]

-- | Match requests using a regular expression.
-- Named captures are not yet supported.
-- > get (regex "^/f(.*)r$") $ do
-- > path <- param "0"
-- > cap <- param "1"
-- > text $ mconcat ["Path: ", path, "\nCapture: ", cap]
-- >>> curl http://localhost:3000/foo/bar
-- Path: /foo/bar
-- Capture: oo/ba
{- | Match requests using a regular expression.
Named captures are not yet supported.
>>> :{
let server = S.get (S.regex "^/f(.*)r$") $ do
cap <- S.pathParam "1"
S.text cap
in do
withScotty server $ curl "http://localhost:3000/foo/bar"
regex :: String -> RoutePattern
regex pattern = Function $ \ req -> fmap (map (T.pack . show *** T.pack) . zip [0 :: Int ..] . strip)
regex pat = Function $ \ req -> fmap (map (T.pack . show *** T.pack) . zip [0 :: Int ..] . strip)
(Regex.matchRegexAll rgx $ T.unpack $ path req)
where rgx = Regex.mkRegex pattern
where rgx = Regex.mkRegex pat
strip (_, match, _, subs) = match : subs

-- | Standard Sinatra-style route. Named captures are prepended with colons.
Expand All @@ -178,18 +204,19 @@ regex pattern = Function $ \ req -> fmap (map (T.pack . show *** T.pack) . zip [
capture :: String -> RoutePattern
capture = fromString

-- | Build a route based on a function which can match using the entire 'Request' object.
-- 'Nothing' indicates the route does not match. A 'Just' value indicates
-- a successful match, optionally returning a list of key-value pairs accessible
-- by 'param'.
-- > get (function $ \req -> Just [("version", T.pack $ show $ httpVersion req)]) $ do
-- > v <- param "version"
-- > text v
-- >>> curl http://localhost:3000/
-- HTTP/1.1
{- | Build a route based on a function which can match using the entire 'Request' object.
'Nothing' indicates the route does not match. A 'Just' value indicates
a successful match, optionally returning a list of key-value pairs accessible by 'param'.
>>> :{
let server = S.get (function $ \req -> Just [("version", T.pack $ show $ W.httpVersion req)]) $ do
v <- S.pathParam "version"
S.text v
in do
withScotty server $ curl "http://localhost:3000/"
function :: (Request -> Maybe [Param]) -> RoutePattern
function = Function

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions scotty.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,8 @@ test-suite doctest
, http-client
, http-types
, scotty
, text
, wai

benchmark weigh
main-is: Main.hs
Expand Down

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