In this Module 1 Challenge, I was assigned to read a user story and an acceptance criteria. I had to make changes to the supplied code to meet the changes listed in the acceptance criteria. This lesson is designed to teach me about search engine optimization,semantic HTML, CSS, and how the stylesheet interacts with the linked .html sheet.
GIVEN a webpage meets accessibility standards
*WHEN I view the source code
THEN I find semantic HTML elements
*WHEN I view the structure of the HTML elements
THEN I find that the elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning
*WHEN I view the image elements
THEN I find accessible alt attributes
*WHEN I view the heading attributes
THEN they fall in sequential order
*WHEN I view the title element
THEN I find a concise, descriptive title
*Changes HTML to semantic HTML
*Adds company name to title
*Organizes CSS elements to logical structure
*Alphabetizes all CSS declarations
*Consolidates multiple CSS selectors into a single selector
*Adds comments to show changes and describe CSS
*Adds alt attribute to images
The deployed site hosted by GitHub.