Getting the code:
git clone https://github.com/scodella/BTagSFUtil
include BTagSFUtil.C in your code
Class Usage:
BTagSFUtil *BTagSF = new BTagSFUtil(MeasurementType, BTagAlgorithm, OperatingPoint, SystematicIndex);
Where: MeasurementType is the type of measurement you want to use: "mujets" -> combined b-jets SFs from methods based on QCD samples "comb" -> combined b-jets SFs from QCD and ttbar datasets "comb" -> SFs for light jets BTagAlgorithm is the btag algorithm you want to use, ex: "CSV" OperatingPoint can be "Loose", "Medium" or "Tight" SystematicIndex +1 (-1) to scale up (down) the b-jets SF according to they total uncertainty +3 (-3) to scale up (down) the light-jets SF according to they total uncertainty Remember that these two uncertainties have to be treated as independet!
When running over FastSim MC, the dataset has to be specified to retrive special correction factors:
BTagSFUtil *BTagSF = new BTagSFUtil(MeasurementType, BTagAlgorithm, OperatingPoint, SystematicIndex, FastSimDataset);
Where the supported FastSim datasets for 8 TeV are T1bbbb, T1tttt, T2, T2bb, T2bwm T2tt and T3w SystematicIndex for FastSim SFs follow the same code as above +/-10 e.g. to scale down the FastSim SF for light-jets by its uncertainty, set SystematicIndex to -13 Note that for FastSim indepenent SFs for c-jets are used, with SystematicIndex +/-12 Important: FastSim SF uncertainties should be treated as independet from standard SF ones
To get the SF for a given jet:
BTagSF->GetJetSF(JetFlavor, JetPt, JetEta);
For applying the SF to a jet according to the "flip a coin" method:
BTagSF->IsTagged(DiscriminatorValue, JetFlavor, JetPt, JetEta);
Where: DiscriminatorValue is the value for the discriminant of your choise for the jet to which the SF has being applied
Important note: the method IsTagged is designed in order to make a minimal use of absolute b-tag efficiencies. Nevertheless, when the SFs a re larger than 1, those efficiencies must be computed in the very MC samples on which the SFs have being applied. The BTagEfficiencies/*.C files provide the efficiencies for some ttbar samples for example purposes only.