This repository contains the web api code for the Library simulation.
This project contains an example of Django Rest Framework project built.
Used technologies:
- Django 4.0.4
- Django Rest Framework 3.14.0
- Postgres 15.2
You have to create a .env variables with this values inside:
# Database
DB_NAME=<your db name>
DB_USER=<your db user>
DB_PASSWORD=postgres<your db password>
DB_PORT=<your db port>
DB_HOST=<your db host>
# API Project
DJANGO_DEBUG_MODE=0 # use 0 for production, 1 for develop
DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=<your django token>
Use /swagger/ or /redoc/ for access the API documentation endpoint
The base endpoint is /api/v1/viewset/ defaul port is 8000
there is insomnia.json to test all avalible endpoints
You can use 'docker-compose_dev.yml' file to develop mode. This compose will use the '.env_develop' file, so you can change it as well you need it.
start with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose_dev.yml -p dev up
Use devcontainer to develop, some useful extensions I used are in devcontainer.json
Use 'docker-compose.yml' file to production mode. This compose will use the '.env' file, so you can change it as well you need it.
start with:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -p prod up