An IRC Bot written in Ruby (credit to ecruby/chatbot for base configuration)
Besides installing the cinch and cinch-identify gems, you’ll need a bot.yml that looks like this:
settings: nick: my_cinch_bot nickserv_pass: my_cinch_bot_password about: 'This is my about message. Perhaps a repo?' master: my_nick level_path: file_path_to_store_json_for_experience_pluggin wordcount_path: file_path_to_store_json_for_wordcount_pluggin speak_path: file_path_to_store_json_for_speak_pluggin channel: - '#some-channel' - '#secure-channel channel-password' plugins: - "plugin_one" - "another_plugin" - "you_get_the_idea" deactivate: '#channel': - "plugin_you_dont_wont_in_this_channel"
settings: master: my_nick abilities: - "Coming Soon"
- achieve
Unlock an achievement!
- base_math
Do math, with base conversions
- experience
Turn irc into an RPG
- google_that
Give someone a lmgtfy link
- help
Learn about the plugins
- meme
Generate a meme
- messaging
Send messages that offline users will receive when they are back
- nfl
Shows gamelist or scores for current week
- plugin_manager
Reload plugins without restarting the bot
Access reddit in various ways
- repeater
Pings everyone else in the chat. (ecruby/chatbot)
- rhyme
Become a poet!
- roll
Roll dice
- summon
Summon minions!
- speak
Have rubot generate (irc|specific user)-like talk
- timing
Stopwatches and timers for everyone!
- todo
A todo list for each user
- word_count
Track how many words everyone has said
Things for minions to do
Responses to relavant text