A simple website (hosted on github) example
Log in or create a new GitHub account
Create a new repository
Click on the "+ menu", in the upper right corner, and select the New repository option; or click on the Start project button on the welcome page.
Use whatever name you want. Do note, however, that the name will be part of the URL to accesss the website.
Turn on GitHub Pages for your repository
Click on the Settings tab and scroll down to the GitHub Pages heading. Select master branch as the Source and click Save.
For this example this will suffice; for more complex projects, a separate branch would be better in order to separate source code from generated code.
Test your website
When you complete the previous step you will be presented with the URL to your website, click it to verify that it works.
The URL of the website will be
http(s)://<your github account name>.github.io/<your repository name>/
, but this can be changed using the Custom domain option. Or; you will want to look into a more traditional hosting solution, this is more to get something fast up that you can test and share with a smaller set of people.Initially your website will be pretty empty, either a generic page or a HTML version of your README.md file. This will improve however when you add some source and point to a proper index.html file.