This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions
Access EC2 instance:
sudo ssh -i poolfolio.pem
Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk once inside EC2 instance using alias:
cd poolfolio
Pierson Marks, pmarks98, ![Pierson Marks Photo](profileimg/piersonmarks.png)
Hanyao Liu, liuhanyao98, ![Hanyao Liu Photo](profileimg/HanyaoLiu.jpeg)
Jack Zhang, dvorjackz, ![Jack Zhang Photo](profileimg/jackzhang.jpg)
Nikita Lukyanenko, nikita1923666, ![Nikita Lukyanenko Photo](profileimg/nikita.jpg)