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Mara Bot

A Secret of Mana Randomizer bot for Discord.

Available commands

  • !race: Generate a custom race using the .json preset or .txt log file attached to this message. If no file is attached, generate a randomized race using mystery weekly settings.
  • !newpreset [rawOptions]: Generate a JSON preset (with options filled in, if given). Only available in DMs to reduce spam.
  • !weekly: Display the current weekly race settings.
  • !completed <HH:MM:SS>: Add your name to the leaderboard for the weekly race or override your time in the leaderboard with a new one. Also gain access to the spoiler channel.
  • !forfeit: Forfeit the weekly, but gain access to the spoiler channel. WIll add you to the leaderboard as DNF.
  • !leaderboard [weekNumber]: Display specified week's leaderboard. Without parameters, display this week's leaderboard (only if in spoiler channel).
  • !reset [--author string][--name string][--description string]: Reset the current weekly when the week is over and create a new race using a .json preset or .txt log file attached to this message. If no file is attached, generate a randomized race using mystery weekly settings (only available to people with a race organizer role for security reasons).
  • !challenge [presetName]: Generate a custom challenge race using a preset name or challenge randomly from the list of challenge presets.
  • !challenges: Browse through existing challenge presets.
  • !spoiler [--done member][--completed member][--forfeit member][--revoke member]: Grant or Revoke spoiler roles manually (only available to people with a race organizer role for security reasons).
  • !8ball [rawOptions]: Ask Mara a question and bask in her wisdom!!!

Running a bot instance



For all commands to work, the following permissions must be given to the bot on discord:

  • Send Messages
  • Manage Messages
  • Manage Roles (only required for roles defined in config.json)
  • Access Channels
  • Add Reactions (optional, used to confirm execution of a command)


First, follow these guidelines to set up a discord bot account:

You'll then need to create a config.json file with the OAuth token required for the bot to authenticate itself with Discord. Look for config/config_template.json in the repository for an example, or see below:

  "prefix": "!",
  "token": "my-token-goes-here",
  "organizerRoles": [
    "organizes races"
  "weeklyCompletedRole": "did the weekly",
  "weeklyForfeitedRole": "forfeited the weekly",
  "weeklyChannel": "weekly",
  "weeklySpoilerChannel": "spoilers",
  "challengeChannel": "challenges",
  "randomizerVersion": "version of randomizer executable",
  "randomizerExecutablePath": "(optional) path to randomizer executable",
  "romPath": "(optional) path to rom"

You can copy your config.json in either:

  • config/
  • $HOME/marabot/config/

The randomizer executable and the associated rom can be used to generate validation hashes. The rom is never distributed.

Compilation and Running

To compile the bot, run dotnet build in the project root.

The executable will be located at MaraBot/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/MaraBot. A daemon script for Linux is provided at linux/marabotd.

You can also build in release mode by running dotnet build -c Release. The executable will then be located at MaraBot/bin/Release/netcoreapp3.1/MaraBot. Note that the daemon assumes we have a fresh release build.


Discord Bot for Secret of Mana Randomizer






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