Version 0.2.0
A node module that wraps the Pandoc tool, allowing you to covert between markup types in node.
node-pandoc is tested against Node v0.6.x and v0.7.x.
At a very basic level this library allows you to convert one markup type into one or many. Supported markup types depends on how you installed Pandoc.
var pandoc = require('pandoc');
pandoc.convert('markdown', mdText, [ 'html' ], function(result, err) {
console.log(result.html); //outputs html
console.log(result.markdown); //outputs the original markdown
var pandoc = require('pandoc');
pandoc.convert('html', htmlText, [ 'rst', 'plain' ], function(result, err) {
console.log(result.rst); //outputs the reStructured Text
console.log(result.plain); //outputs the plain text
console.log(result.html); //outputs the HTML text
var pandoc = require('pandoc');
pandoc.convert('invalid', moreInvalid, [], function(result, err) {
if(err) {
console.log('pandoc exited with status code ' + err);
else {
//do stuff
node-pandoc is released under the Apache License, version 2.0. See the file named LICENSE for more information.
Copyright information is in the NOTICE file.