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Templates ‐ How to

Aaron T edited this page Sep 2, 2024 · 2 revisions

Templates - What are they?

Templates are a list of commands defined in a .txt file. The randomiser can load in templates and use them as a base to randomise from.

Templates can be edited, or extended by adding further commands. Commands can be defined in any order, which can result in different outcomes for the randomisation.

In future there will be commands that aren't focussed on randomisation but rather modifying the game. Slowly this will be less a randomiser and more a modification tool for Rome Total War. The randomiser components will still be there to randomise the game ofc.

Template Example

randcmd setseed -
randcmd initialsetup
randcmd citiesvoronoi
randcmd ownership 3 1
randcmd stratarmiesuseownedunits
randcmd PaintFactionMap
randcmd output

Each command begins with the module it's accessing, in this templates case we only access the randcmd module. The tool reads this template line-by-line and executes each command in sequence.

Command Reference

Below is a list of commands that are are currently implemented and can be used within templates.

Module - randcmd Randomiser Commands

setseed {seed-to-use} | Required | Sets the seed for the randomiser to use. Takes one argument that is the user-defined seed.

randcmd setseed - > Designates that the seed itself should be randomly chosen.

randcmd setseed bigromanlegions > Sets the seed to bigromanlegions

initialsetup | Required | Loads RTW files into memory

rancmd initialsetup

citiesvoronoi | Randomises cities based on voronoi grids. Often results in large empires with a few small one dotted about.

randcmd citiesvoronoi

citiesbasic | A basic randomisation of cities. Results in disconnected kingdoms (very inconsistent and random)

randcmd citiesbasic

ownership {max} {min} | Randomises ownership of each unit. Takes two arguments that control the max and minimum amount of factions a unit can belong to

randcmd ownership 3 1 > Designates that a unit can have a max of three factions and minimum of 1

stratArmiesUseOwnedUnits | Randomises the default units armies start with to use available units within a factions unit pool.

randcmd stratarmiesuseownedunits

PaintFactionMap | Generates and outputs maps of each factions cities. Displayed on the faction selection screen.

randcmd PaintFactionMap

output | Outputs all the files with the changes made by previous commands. Without this changes are not saved.

randcmd output