An earthy, mid-dark colorscheme for vim GUI, neovim, and truecolor terminals.
For best results: GVim, graphical neovim, or a truecolor terminal
with set termguicolors
applied before using colorscheme garden
Possible, but not recommended: a 256-color terminal. Due to palette limitations, several colors are gray, including the background.
88- and 16-color terminals are not supported. These will appear as vim’s default theme in dark mode.
Use it as sapphirecat/garden-vim
or your favorite package manager; or, install the repository
as a Vim8 package.
Choose your own adventure out there!
After installing, activate it with the :colorscheme garden
There is no configuration specific to this scheme.
- Airline theme included
- Rainbow colors included
- Made with love on Ubuntu Studio
Set the g:rainbow_active
variable before using :colorscheme
and Garden will define rainbow colors (if not already defined.)
That is, in your vimrc (example using vim-plug as plugin manager):
call plug#begin()
" any order acceptable
Plug 'sapphirecat/garden-vim'
Plug 'luochen1990/rainbow'
call plug#end()
" must use this ordering
let g:rainbow_active=0
colorscheme garden
The result is that :RainbowToggle
will activate rainbow, with Garden’s
colors. If you define your own g:rainbow_conf.guifgs
etc. before calling
colorscheme garden
, then your colors will be respected:
let g:rainbow_active=1
let g:rainbow_conf = {'guifgs': ['black', 'red', 'green', 'gold']}
colorscheme garden
If you only use truecolor terminals, as listed on termstandard/colors, then add this to your vimrc to have themes use (truecolor) GUI colors in your terminal:
if !has('gui_running') && exists('&termguicolors')
set termguicolors
Alternatively, you can use a different color scheme in terminals:
if has('gui_running')
colorscheme garden
colorscheme desert
I wanted to experiment with pastels on a not-too-deep background. Green was kind of a random choice; the “Garden” concept defined a palette from there.
The only conceptually nearby schemes I was able to find were:
- marklar, based on green chalkboards, with a much bluer background than garden
- tabula, based on marklar
- base16-atelier-seaside-light, a light sea-green theme
Garden is very warm, and definitely not light.