Lims-order-management-app is responsible to create orders in S2 after sample creation. Every time a S2 sample is found to be in a published state, a new order is created in S2 following lims-order-management-app rules.
Edit the configuration files under config/.
bundle install
export LIMS_ORDER_MANAGEMENT_APP_ENV="development"
bundle exec ruby script/setup_rabbitmq_bindinds.rb -u user -p password -a http://localhost:15672/api/bindings/%2f/e/psd.s2/q/psd.s2.order-management
bundle exec ruby script/start_order_creator.rb
The following development notes apply from version 1.0.3.
Lims-order-management-app has a RabbitMQ queue as data source, which catch sample messages from S2. Everytime a sample is found as published, it is considered to create a new order. The sample message payload should contain a correct "extraction_process" field, which basically map a process name to an array of container uuids. For example:
{"cellular_material": {"extraction_process": {"DNA & RNA Manual": ["11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"]}}}
The above payload says that the sample goes through "DNA & RNA Manual" in the labware "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555". So the labware "11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555" will be used as an item of the order. To create an order, we also need to associate a role to an item. Roles are defined in config/rules.yml.
For example, the following entry in rules.yml:
"cellular_material.extraction_process": "DNA & RNA Manual"
should be read like: if the sample has an extraction process name set to 'DNA & RNA Manual', the labware containing the sample will have the role 'samples.extraction.manual_dna_and_rna.input_tube_nap' in the order. Following the above example, lims-order-management-app will finally send the following request to lims-laboratory-app to create the order:
{ "order": {
"study_uuid": <study uuid defined in config/order.yml>,
"pipeline": "Samples",
"cost_code": "cost code",
"sources": {
"samples.extraction.manual_dna_and_rna.input_tube_nap": ["11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555"]
The order is created with the user "s2-order-management-app" by default (see config/order.yml) and assumes that lims-laboratory-app database contains a study with the uuid set in this configuration file.