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Lord Samuel Cardillo edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 3 revisions

Welcome on the official MMOMV documentation for both Makers and Developers!

What is MMOMV ?

MMORPG Maker MV (or MMOMV) is a project trying to allow both makers and developers to build - with ease - an MMORPG using RPG Maker MV. The project itself consist in a series of plugins on the client-side (the game) as well as a fully modular server. By using NodeJS for the server and RethinkDB - a JSON NoSQL database technology built for real-time interactions - for the database part, the entire project stays truthful to Javascript.

The main value of this project is to allow makers to develop MMORPG without having to write lines of codes and just use RPG Maker MV the way they are used to while allowing developers to improve existing systems through complete documentation and modular code on both client and server-side.

Important note :

MMOMV is currently pre-version 1 and, therefore, subject to many changes. Some aspects of this documentation could potentially be outdated. If it happens to be the case and that something is therefore broken, feel free to visit the official Discord server to notify the problem your encounter and get support.

Also, the developer documentations is under complete rewriting to increase its readability and accuracy with the latest updates.

Don't forget to read the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Makers documentation

  1. Setup your project
  2. Make your old project an MMO
  3. The basics of building
  4. The basics of playing
  5. How to use the administration interface

Developers documentation