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Added functionality to choose whether a user wants level progression …
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…or not, and reflect that in the game window. (#39)

* Make level progression optional

Change level progression from mandatory to optional:
- Add progression flag to control automatic level increases
- Preserve fixed starting level option when progression is disabled 
- Add UI indicator showing current progression mode (ON/OFF)
- Pass progression setting through game restarts

This allows players to stay at their chosen difficulty level rather than being forced into increasingly faster speeds through automatic progression.

* feat: Add level progression option to level picker

- Introduce LevelConfig type to bundle level number and progression setting
- Add two-step menu system for selecting level and progression mode
- Implement UP/DOWN navigation and selection for progression options
- Add visual highlighting for selected menu options
- Update UI to show different screens for level and progression selection

* feat: Add optional level progression system

- Add progression flag to Game state
- Update initGame to accept progression parameter
- Modify levelFinished to respect progression setting
- Add progression lens to exposed interface
- Make level advancement conditional on progression flag

* refactor: Add progression toggle to level selection

Modify level selection flow to include progression mode choice:
- Update LevelConfig to include progression flag 
- Pass progression setting through to game initialization
- Default to fixed level (progression off) when level specified via CLI
- Keep high score and hard drop functionality unchanged

This connects the new progression toggle UI with the initial game setup, allowing the mode choice to be made during level selection.

* Update tetris.cabal

* Update Main.hs

* Update Tetris.hs

* Update Game.hs

* Update Game.hs

* Update Game.hs

* Update Game.hs

* Update PickLevel.hs

* Update Game.hs

* Update Game.hs
  • Loading branch information
aaditagrawal authored Dec 7, 2024
1 parent b0c7f6c commit fcbdf10
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 5 changed files with 162 additions and 63 deletions.
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import qualified System.Directory as D
import System.FilePath ((</>))

import Tetris (Game(..))
import UI.PickLevel (pickLevel)
import UI.PickLevel (pickLevel, LevelConfig(..))
import UI.Game (playGame)

data Opts = Opts
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ hdOptStr (CustomChars s) = Just s

main :: IO ()
main = do
(Opts hd ml hs) <- execParser fullopts -- get CLI opts/args
when hs (getHighScore >>= printM >> exitSuccess) -- show high score and exit
l <- maybe pickLevel return ml -- pick level prompt if necessary
g <- playGame l (hdOptStr hd) -- play game
handleEndGame (_score g) -- save & print score
(Opts hd ml hs) <- execParser fullopts
when hs (getHighScore >>= printM >> exitSuccess) -- show high score and exit
levelConfig <- maybe pickLevel (\l -> return $ LevelConfig l False) ml -- pick level prompt if necessary
g <- playGame (levelNumber levelConfig) (hdOptStr hd) (progression levelConfig) -- play game
handleEndGame (_score g) -- save & print score

handleEndGame :: Int -> IO ()
handleEndGame s = do
Expand Down
27 changes: 18 additions & 9 deletions src/Tetris.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ module Tetris
, Tetrimino(..)
, Tetris
-- Lenses
, block, board, level, nextShape, score, shape, linesCleared
, block, board, level, nextShape, score, shape, linesCleared, progression
-- Constants
, boardHeight, boardWidth, relCells
) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ data Game = Game
, _linesCleared :: Int
, _score :: Int
, _board :: Board
, _progression :: Bool
} deriving (Eq)
makeLenses ''Game

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,8 +162,8 @@ bagFourTetriminoEach Empty =
bagFourTetriminoEach <=< shuffle . Seq.fromList . take 28 $ cycle [I ..]

-- | Initialize a game with a given level
initGame :: Int -> IO Game
initGame lvl = do
initGame :: Int -> Bool -> IO Game
initGame lvl prog = do
(s1, bag1) <- bagFourTetriminoEach mempty
(s2, bag2) <- bagFourTetriminoEach bag1
pure $ Game
Expand All @@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ initGame lvl = do
, _score = 0
, _linesCleared = 0
, _board = mempty
, _progression = prog

-- | Increment level
Expand All @@ -191,9 +193,12 @@ timeStep = do
True -> do
clearFullRows >>= updateScore
levelFinished >>= \case
True -> nextLevel
False -> nextBlock
prog <- use progression
when prog $ do
levelFinished >>= \case
True -> nextLevel
False -> pure ()

-- | Gravitate current block, i.e. shift down
gravitate :: MonadState Game m => m ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -235,9 +240,13 @@ updateScore lines = do
-- | Using the fixed-goal system described here:
levelFinished :: (MonadState Game m, MonadIO m) => m Bool
levelFinished = do
lvl <- use level
lc <- use linesCleared
pure $ lvl < 15 && lc >= 10 * (lvl + 1)
prog <- use progression
if not prog
then pure False
else do
lvl <- use level
lc <- use linesCleared
pure $ lvl < 15 && lc >= 10 * (lvl + 1)

-- | Handle counterclockwise block rotation (if possible)
-- Allows wallkicks:
Expand Down
85 changes: 50 additions & 35 deletions src/UI/Game.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ import Linear.V2 (V2(..))
import Tetris

data UI = UI
{ _game :: Game -- ^ tetris game
, _initLevel :: Int -- ^ initial level chosen
, _currLevel :: TVar Int -- ^ current level
, _preview :: Maybe String -- ^ hard drop preview cell
, _locked :: Bool -- ^ lock after hard drop before time step
, _paused :: Bool -- ^ game paused
{ _game :: Game
, _initLevel :: Int
, _currLevel :: TVar Int
, _preview :: Maybe String
, _locked :: Bool
, _paused :: Bool

makeLenses ''UI
Expand All @@ -61,28 +61,27 @@ app = App
, appAttrMap = const theMap

:: Int -- ^ Starting level
-> Maybe String -- ^ Preview cell (Nothing == no preview)
-> IO Game
playGame lvl mp = do
chan <- newBChan 10
-- share the current level with the thread so it can adjust speed
playGame :: Int -- ^ Starting level
-> Maybe String -- ^ Preview cell (Nothing == no preview)
-> Bool -- ^ Enable level progression
-> IO Game
playGame lvl mp prog = do
chan <- newBChan 10 -- share the current level with the thread so it can adjust speed
tv <- newTVarIO lvl
void . forkIO $ forever $ do
writeBChan chan Tick
lvl <- readTVarIO tv
threadDelay $ levelToDelay lvl
initialGame <- initGame lvl
initialGame <- initGame lvl prog -- Pass the progression parameter
let buildVty = Graphics.Vty.CrossPlatform.mkVty Graphics.Vty.Config.defaultConfig
initialVty <- buildVty
ui <- customMain initialVty buildVty (Just chan) app $ UI
{ _game = initialGame
{ _game = initialGame
, _initLevel = lvl
, _currLevel = tv
, _preview = mp
, _locked = False
, _paused = False
, _preview = mp
, _locked = False
, _paused = False
return $ ui ^. game

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -129,8 +128,9 @@ exec = unlessM (orM [use paused, use locked, use (game . to isGameOver)]) . zoom
-- | Restart game at the initially chosen level
restart :: EventM Name UI ()
restart = do
lvl <- use $ initLevel
g <- liftIO $ initGame lvl
lvl <- use initLevel
prog <- use (game . progression) -- Get current progression setting
g <- liftIO $ initGame lvl prog -- Use it when restarting
assign game g
assign locked False

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,9 +214,18 @@ drawStats g =
[ drawStat "Score" $ g ^. score
, padTop (Pad 1) $ drawStat "Lines" $ g ^. linesCleared
, padTop (Pad 1) $ drawStat "Level" $ g ^. level
, padTop (Pad 1) $ drawProgression (g ^. progression)
, drawLeaderBoard g

drawProgression :: Bool -> Widget Name
drawProgression True =
padLeftRight 1 $ str "Level Mode: " <+>
withAttr progressionAttr (padLeft Max $ str "ON")
drawProgression False =
padLeftRight 1 $ str "Level Mode: " <+>
withAttr fixedAttr (padLeft Max $ str "Fixed")

drawStat :: String -> Int -> Widget Name
drawStat s n = padLeftRight 1 $ str s <+> padLeft Max (str $ show n)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -278,21 +287,23 @@ drawGameOver g =
theMap :: AttrMap
theMap = attrMap
[ (iAttr , tToColor I `on` tToColor I)
, (oAttr , tToColor O `on` tToColor O)
, (tAttr , tToColor T `on` tToColor T)
, (sAttr , tToColor S `on` tToColor S)
, (zAttr , tToColor Z `on` tToColor Z)
, (jAttr , tToColor J `on` tToColor J)
, (lAttr , tToColor L `on` tToColor L)
, (ihAttr , fg $ tToColor I)
, (ohAttr , fg $ tToColor O)
, (thAttr , fg $ tToColor T)
, (shAttr , fg $ tToColor S)
, (zhAttr , fg $ tToColor Z)
, (jhAttr , fg $ tToColor J)
, (lhAttr , fg $ tToColor L)
, (gameOverAttr, fg `V.withStyle` V.bold)
[ (iAttr , tToColor I `on` tToColor I)
, (oAttr , tToColor O `on` tToColor O)
, (tAttr , tToColor T `on` tToColor T)
, (sAttr , tToColor S `on` tToColor S)
, (zAttr , tToColor Z `on` tToColor Z)
, (jAttr , tToColor J `on` tToColor J)
, (lAttr , tToColor L `on` tToColor L)
, (ihAttr , fg $ tToColor I)
, (ohAttr , fg $ tToColor O)
, (thAttr , fg $ tToColor T)
, (shAttr , fg $ tToColor S)
, (zhAttr , fg $ tToColor Z)
, (jhAttr , fg $ tToColor J)
, (lhAttr , fg $ tToColor L)
, (gameOverAttr , fg `V.withStyle` V.bold)
, (progressionAttr, fg `V.withStyle` V.bold)
, (fixedAttr , fg `V.withStyle` V.bold)

tToColor :: Tetrimino -> V.Color
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -327,3 +338,7 @@ emptyAttr = attrName "empty"

gameOverAttr :: AttrName
gameOverAttr = attrName "gameOver"

progressionAttr, fixedAttr :: AttrName
progressionAttr = attrName "progression"
fixedAttr = attrName "fixed"
99 changes: 87 additions & 12 deletions src/UI/PickLevel.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module UI.PickLevel
( pickLevel
, LevelConfig(..)
) where

import System.Exit (exitSuccess)
Expand All @@ -11,17 +12,39 @@ import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border.Style as BS
import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as C
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V

app :: App (Maybe Int) e ()
data LevelConfig = LevelConfig
{ levelNumber :: Int
, progression :: Bool
} deriving (Show, Eq)

data MenuOption = YesOption | NoOption deriving (Eq)

data PickState = PickState
{ currentLevel :: Maybe Int
, showProgression :: Bool
, pickingLevel :: Bool
, selectedOption :: MenuOption

app :: App PickState e ()
app = App
{ appDraw = const [ui]
{ appDraw = drawUI
, appHandleEvent = handleEvent
, appStartEvent = pure ()
, appAttrMap = const $ attrMap V.defAttr []
, appAttrMap = const $ attrMap V.defAttr
[ (selectedAttr, `on` V.white)
, appChooseCursor = neverShowCursor

ui :: Widget ()
ui =
selectedAttr :: AttrName
selectedAttr = attrName "selected"

drawUI :: PickState -> [Widget ()]
drawUI ps = [ui ps]

ui :: PickState -> Widget ()
ui ps =
padLeft (Pad 19)
$ padRight (Pad 21)
Expand All @@ -30,17 +53,69 @@ ui =
$ withBorderStyle BS.unicodeBold
$ B.borderWithLabel (str "Tetris")
$ str " Choose Level (0-9)"
$ vBox
[ if pickingLevel ps
then str "Choose Level (0-9)"
else vBox
[ str "Level Progression?"
, str ""
, C.hCenter $ drawOption "YES" YesOption (selectedOption ps)
, C.hCenter $ drawOption "NO" NoOption (selectedOption ps)
, str ""
, C.hCenter $ str "Use ↑↓ or j/k"
, C.hCenter $ str "to Select."
, str ""
, C.hCenter $ str "Press Enter"
, C.hCenter $ str "to Continue."

drawOption :: String -> MenuOption -> MenuOption -> Widget ()
drawOption label opt current =
withAttr (if opt == current then selectedAttr else attrName "")
$ str $ " " ++ label ++ " "

handleEvent :: BrickEvent () e -> EventM () (Maybe Int) ()
handleEvent :: BrickEvent () e -> EventM () PickState ()
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc _)) = halt
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'q') _)) = halt
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'Q') _)) = halt
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar d) [])) =
when (d `elem` ['0' .. '9']) $ do
put $ Just $ read [d]
whenPickingLevel $ when (d `elem` ['0' .. '9']) $ do
modify $ \s -> s { currentLevel = Just $ read [d], pickingLevel = False }
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter [])) = do
s <- get
when (not $ pickingLevel s) $ do
case currentLevel s of
Just l -> do
put $ PickState (Just l) (selectedOption s == YesOption) True YesOption
Nothing -> pure ()
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KUp [])) =
whenNotPickingLevel $ modify $ \s -> s { selectedOption = YesOption }
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KDown [])) =
whenNotPickingLevel $ modify $ \s -> s { selectedOption = NoOption }
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'j') [])) =

Check warning on line 97 in src/UI/PickLevel.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Build

Pattern match is redundant
whenNotPickingLevel $ modify $ \s -> s { selectedOption = YesOption }
handleEvent (VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'k') [])) =

Check warning on line 99 in src/UI/PickLevel.hs

View workflow job for this annotation

GitHub Actions / Build

Pattern match is redundant
whenNotPickingLevel $ modify $ \s -> s { selectedOption = NoOption }
handleEvent _ = pure ()

pickLevel :: IO Int
pickLevel = defaultMain app Nothing >>= maybe exitSuccess return
whenPickingLevel :: EventM () PickState () -> EventM () PickState ()
whenPickingLevel action = do
picking <- gets pickingLevel
when picking action

whenNotPickingLevel :: EventM () PickState () -> EventM () PickState ()
whenNotPickingLevel action = do
picking <- gets pickingLevel
when (not picking) action

initialState :: PickState
initialState = PickState Nothing True True YesOption

pickLevel :: IO LevelConfig
pickLevel = do
result <- defaultMain app initialState
case currentLevel result of
Nothing -> exitSuccess
Just l -> return $ LevelConfig l (showProgression result)
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tetris.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: tetris
version: 0.1.5
version: 0.1.6
license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
Expand Down

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