Conway's Game of Life simulation on Torus Knots
- Simulate Conway's Game of Life on 5 Different Predefined Torus Knots
- (3,1) Knot
- Trefoil Knot
- Solomon's Seal Knot
- (7,3) Knot
- Torus Knot of Torus
- Interactive so you can create your own states
- Play, Next, Clear Buttons
- Example state provided
- Speed of simulation controller
- Randomize State provided
- Custom Knot that you can control
- Import and Export
Check it out at
Going from Left to Right:
- (3,1) Knot
- Trefoil Knot
- Solomon's Seal Knot
- (7,3) Knot
- Torus Knot of Torus
Made using Three.js r59 in order to use Face4 and an older version of OrbitControls
Recreate using latest Three.js which wil fix performance and fix mobile controls.