A Python library for TypeForm's new APIs (Create and Responses).
Currently only access via personal token is supported. OAuth2 support will be added in a later version.
You will need to open a Typeform account and create a form. Once you have done this make a note of:
- a personal token (accessible from My account)
- a form ID (from the form url)
This SDK requires either Python 2.7+ or 3.4+. To install you can use pip as follows:
pip install typeform
Make sure to add it to your requirements.txt file.
If you want to run the SDK locally, download the code to your machine and run:
pip install -e .
import typeform
typeform = Typeform(personal_token='<your_personal_token>')
# Fetch all your forms
forms = typeform.forms.get()
# Fetch a specific form
form = typeform.form('<your_form_id>').get()
# Print '<question>: <answer>' for all questions in a given form
form = typeform.form('<your_form_id>').get()
for question in my_form['fields']:
# Delete a specific form
# Fetch all responses for a given form
my_responses = typeform.form('afaj').responses.get()
# Print the number of responses to the form
print("Responses: {}".format(len(my_responses['items'])))
# Print '<question>: <answer>' for all responses to a given form
for question in my_form['fields']:
id = question['id']
print("Question: {}".format(question['title']))
for item in my_responses['items']:
if item['answers']:
for answer in item['answers']:
if answer['field']['id'] == id:
if answer['type'] == 'boolean':
- Retrieve forms
- Retrieve specific form
- Delete specific form
- Get responses