Originally based from https://github.com/resin-io-projects/simple-server-python
When running the app make sure that the following environment and configuration variables are set with the appropriate values:
Env var | Value |
MQTT_HOSTNAME | MQTT endpoint hostname |
MQTT_PORT | MQTT endpoint port |
MQTT_USERNAME | MQTT broker username |
MQTT_PASSWORD | MQTT broker password |
Resin Config var | Value |
RESIN_HOST_CONFIG_dtoverlay | w1-gpio,gpiopin=22 |
Connection | Colour | Physical Pin | RPi Pin Name | Function |
1. | Brown | 13 | GPIO 27 | Red Led |
2. | Brown | 11 | GPIO 17 | Green Led |
3. | Purple | 9 | Ground | |
4. | Gray | 15 | GPIO 22 | W1 Temp |
5. | Gray | 17 | 3v3 Power | |
6. | Brown | 12 | GPIO 18 | Servo |
moquitto_sub --url mqtt://user:pass@hostname:port/metrics/exchange -C 1 | jq --indent 4 > dash.json