This is a web application that provides information about Pokémon creatures, their types, abilities, moves, and more. It leverages the PokéAPI to fetch Pokémon data and allows users to explore the vast world of Pokémon.
- Pokémon Information : Access detailed information about various Pokémon species, including their types, abilities, base stats, and evolutionary chains.
- Search : Search for specific Pokémon by name or ID.
- Random Pokémon : View random Pokémon profiles to discover new creatures.
- Type Effectiveness : Learn about the strengths and weaknesses of different Pokémon types. Moves and Abilities: Explore the moves and abilities available to each Pokémon.
- Reactjs (a Javscript library for building user interface ).
- MaterialUI ( styling library sponsored by Google).
- Axios (An Https library for fetching API data).
- GIT (A version control system for deploying the code to Github).
- React-Router (routing library to navigate between the web-pages).
- Clone this repository.
- Install dependencies using npm install or Yarn Install.
- Start the server using npm start or Yarn start.
- Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:port (replace port with the port number configured in your environment).