- SupportQ
Inspired by the codepath in-class support queue (hence the name), this app lets students enrolled in a particular course to create a supportive learning environment. Students get to ask, answer and discuss anything course-related to cement their understaning of the course material. Teachers and TA's of the course will be able to answer students questions, approve another students response to a particular question, and provide extra resources if needed.
- Category: Education
- Mobile: This app would provide mobile first experience and it would work exactly as expected in a website too.
- Story: An app that allows student enrolled in a particular course to post, answer and discuss about course related material.
- Market: Every student enroll in the course will be able to enjoy the full content that the app has to offer.
- Habit: User can make the best of the app by posting any question related to the course at any time. When their concerns are address, they will recieve a push notificaion to check out the response in the app.
- Scope: The app would start out by allowing students registered in the same course only to interact but could potentialy be expanded to allow any course to be in the app so that students will get to have all their courses in the app.
Required Must-have Stories
- user can create or log into an account
- user can post and delete their question
- user can tap on a question and be redirect to a detailed screen
- user can answer a question
- user can view a feed of questions
- user can edit there profile picture by using the camera/gallery to take a picture
- current user is persisted on app restart
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- user gets notified when their question is answered
- pull to refresh home feed
- user can tap on a notification and be redirected to a detail screen
- user can search through the feed for a specific question/concern
- Integration of facebook sdk
- User can load more posts once he or she reaches the bottom of the feed using endless scrolling.
- user can search through feed and inbox for a specific post
- Show the username and creation time for each post
- User can like a post
- Login screen
- user can log in with existing account
- Registration screen
- user can create a new account
- Stream Screen
- user can view a feed of questions/concerns and answers
- Details screen
- user can see the details of the questions/concerns
- FAQ && Notification screen
- user can see and compose messages to event hosts
- Create Screen
- user can create a new question/concern
- Profile screen
- user can change profile picture, notification settings
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Home Feed
- Profile
- Create question
- Notification
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Login screen
- => Home feed
- Registration screen
- => Home feed
- Create a question
- => Returns to home feed after user posts a question
- Stream Screen
- => navigation to a detail screen on click of a post
- Profile screen
- => toggles settings
- Notification screen
- => navigation to a detail screen on click
property | type | description |
objectid | String | unique id for the user post (default field) |
author | Pointer to User | image author |
likesCount | Number | number of likes for the post |
replyCount | Number | number of replies for the post |
createdAt | Date | date when post is created (default field) |
property | type | description |
objectid | String | unique id for the user (default field) |
username | String | name of the user |
image | File | image that user |
String | email address of the user | |
password | String | password of the user |
property | type | description |
objectid | String | unique id for the comment (default field) |
author | Pointer to User | image author |
createdAt | Date | date when comment is created (default field) |
updatedAt | Date | date when comment was updated (default field) |
approved | Boolean | post has been approved by Instructor |
Home Feed Screen (Read/GET) Query all posts where user is author (Create/POST) Create a new like on a post (Delete) Delete existing like (Create/POST) Create a new comment on a post (Delete) Delete existing comment
Create Post Screen (Create/POST) Create a new post object
Profile Screen (Read/GET) Query logged in user object (Update/PUT) Update user profile image (Delete) Delete an existing post