NodeJS 10x and 12x
Fix: CloudFront redirect #5 and #7 by storing files with the Cache-Control header.
This release consists of the latest NodeJS versions such as 10x and 12x since version 8x is going to be off soon.
Also, the codebase has the modern JavaScript syntax whereas the logic remains the same 2.0.1...3.0.1
The releases have been built on Windows x64 WSL Ubuntu 18.04.3
Node.js 10.x
rm -rf node_modules/
npm i --only=prod --target=10.17.0
zip s3-resizer_nodejs_10.17.0.zip node_modules/ index.js -rq
Node.js 12.x
rm -rf node_modules/
npm i --only=prod --target=12.13.0
zip s3-resizer_nodejs_12.13.0.zip node_modules/ index.js -rq
For non-Linux machines such as OS X and Windows, you have to add
--arch=x64 --platform=linux