A wrapper around the FileReader javascript API
Note: this is incomplete and merely an exercise.
I took the idea and most of the code from http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2013/07/03/building-a-filereader-service-for-angularjs-the-service.aspx
To use angular-filereader you have to:
install angular-filereader with bower:
bower install angular-filereader
In your
<script src="bower_components/angular-filereader/angular-filereader.min.js"></script>index.html
, include the angular-filereader file
In your module declaration you have to include the filereader module
var module = angular.module('yourModule', [
Inject the service in your controller
function controller ($scope, FileReader) {
Call the readAsDataURL method with a File or Blob object. Remember that you also have to pass the $scope.
FileReader.readAsDataURL(file, $scope)
readAsDataURL returns a promise, so you can call then on it
.then(function (resp) {
// Do stuff
}, function (err) {
// Do stuff
readAsDataUrl also broadcast the fileProgress event. You can listen for it to check on the progress of the loading
$scope.$on('fileProgress', function (event, data) {
// data = {
// total: ...
// loaded: ...
// }
A lot. I started this project but I only needed this few bits of functionality.
Also I ripped the code from http://odetocode.com/blogs/scott/archive/2013/07/03/building-a-filereader-service-for-angularjs-the-service.aspx and only added a few tests.
It's not like I spent months on this.
You can discover it on http://caniuse.com/filereader
Check out ngReader which also has a fallback options for browsers who don't support FileReader
Remember to install all dependencies:
$ npm install -g gulp // It's like grunt but cooler
$ npm install
$ bower install
To launch tests simply run
gulp karma
To build and minify simply run
gulp build