🚧 Very unstable and not ready for serious usage 🚧
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- River in Bavaria, Germany.
- Database that will make your life easier.
- ⚡️ Launch your app instantly no matter how much data you have
- 📈 Highly scalable from hundreds to tens of thousands of records
- 😎 Lazy loaded. Only load data when you need it
- 🧪 Full ACID semantics. Rely on consistency
- 📱 Multiplatform. iOS, Android, and the web (soon™)
- 💙 Made for Flutter. Easily use it in your Flutter app
- ⏱ Asynchronous. Parallel query operations & multi-isolate support
⚠️ Static typing with compile time checked and autocompleted queries
class Person with IsarObject {
@Index(unique: true)
String name;
int age;
final isar = await openIsar();
final result = isar.users.where()
.sortedByName() // use index