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SADO Orderbook API

A orderbook provider API for self-authenticating decentralized (interplanetary) ordinalbooks. It aims to provide a simple and easy to use API for developers to integrate with bitcoin ordinals.



Make sure you have the following services installed in your local environment.

Service Instructions


Create .env environment file by copying the dotenv file from the project directory.

$ cp dotenv .env

Open the .env file and adjust configuration as needed for your local setup. By default the values in the base file should work out of the box unless you manually adjust the environment.

Install Dependencies

$ npm install

Local Development

Running the solution locally for development purposes we use docker to spin up our required services.

Docker Compose

Before starting local instance we need to spin up redis for the orderbook monitor, and mongodb for our orderbook stores using docker-compose.

$ docker-compose up -d

Start the API

Once the docker containers are up and running we can start the API.

$ npm start

Currently the orderbook resolver loop goes through a cron job worker, for local development purposes you can run the worker manually to update the orderbooks on the latest blockchain state.

$ npm run worker


For future release purposes we can build a new docker image with the latest version of our application that can then be deployed to any docker capable service.

$ docker build -t sadoprotocol/api:0.0.0 .

Then run the container.

$ docker run --name sado-api --env-file .env -p 3030:3030 -d sadoprotocol/api:0.0.0

For the docker container to have access to the localhost services running outside the container you should use the host.docker.internal hostname for the endpoints.

An example with the current dotenv configuration.
