This plugin allows you to interact with remote hosts from gradle.
The first iteration will allow copying files via scp and executing remote commands over ssh. The plugin will eventually be configurable to allow the use of different protocols like psexec, etc.
Applying the Remote plugin will add Ssh and Scp task types to the project and you can use them like any other task.
This plugin was inspried by the ant functionality for scp and ssh, and all of the properties have the exact same names and semantics as the ant tasks do because this plugin utilizes Groovys Ant integration.
import edu.cs.pdx.rylarson.RemotePlugin
apply plugin: RemotePlugin
task sshTask(type: Ssh) {
host = ''
user = 'user'
password = 'password'
command = 'uname -a'
task scpTask(type: Ssh) {
localFile = file('testScp.txt')
remoteTodir = 'user@host:~/todir'
password = 'password'