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It's just a simple Flask skeleton for Google App Engine, but made with all the baked-in-goodness of html5 boilerplate.
I'm planning on using this for my GAE projects going forward (I really like the speed of Flask compared to Django-Nonrel on GAE), so I thought someone else might find it useful, too.
Just about everything is ready to go right out of the box -- including
for JavaScript tests and a test
directory for Python's unittest
Also, I included a style.less
file since I primarily only use the
Less app when writing stylesheets nowadays.
I stumbled a bit figuring out how to add tests and use the unittest
and also setup an appengine_console.py
file to connect to GAE's remote API,
so this skeleton might come in handy for you.
I looked at two other Flask GAE skeletons on Github (flask-gae-skeleton and flask-gae-template -- both of which were awesome for learning), and I adapted what I felt were some of their best parts. Recently, I've updated this project's structure after browsing the source code of another project skeleton.
Lastly, as an added bonus, the scripts are PEP8 compliant.
Make sure you have the Google App Engine SDK installed on your computer, and you've created an application for your Google account.
git clone https://github.com/zachwill/gae-flask-html5.git <your_app_name_here>
dev_appserver.py .
appcfg.py update .
Run your application with the dev_appserver.py .
command, and then point
your browser to http://localhost:<YOUR-PORT-NUMBER>/test
python appengine_console.py .
- add more tests to
- add pep8.py to libs
- create PEP8 TestCase, too