It is a miniBitTorrent file sharing system(peer to peer file sharing).
You need to install openssl package.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openssl
code is written with respect to linux file system and path hierarchy.
run makefile in the respective directory where source file are present.
./tracker < my_tracker_ip >:< my_tracker_port > <other_tracker_ip>:<other_tracker_port> <seederlist_file> <log_file>
eg : ./tracker_2018201034 seed_file log_file
To see activities of tracker, see the log_file.
./client_2018201034 < my__ip >:< my_upload_port > < tracker_1_ip >:< tracker_1_port > < tracker_2_ip >:< tracker_2_port > < log_file >
eg : ./client_2018201034 log_file
share <local_file_path> <filename>.<file_extension>.mtorrent
- it will share the data with tracker and put your client in seeding mode. So that other clients can access them by using the mtorrent file that you generated.
get <path_to_.mtorrent_file> <destination_path>
- it will get metadata from tracker and starts downloading file in the destination path.
remove <filename.mtorrent>
- it will remove the metadata entries from server and destroys mtorrent file from client.
- shows current status of download.
- remove all metadata from tracker and shutdown.
- For files containing space in name, use ' \ ' as escape sequence.
- Absolute & relative path, both are supported.
- Only one tracker is implemented.
- File is shared by only one peer now (First peer in the list).
- Whenever client starts, it scans current working directory ans update server about that files.