This is a customizable static boilerpate app using React, to enable quick protoyping during hackathons. It provides the basic setup including declarative routing to quickly get started on the front end.
- React Routers
- Premade components
- General layout of a react app
- Basic frontend dashboard
- Yarn integration
- Deployment (Heroku, gh-pages, express, firebase)
Supports deployment using firebase/heroku/github pages
cd hackathon-starterpack-react
npm install
npm start
or using yarn
npm install -g yarn
yarn run
# If this throws an error saying 'node' not found, then most probably the bin is called nodejs.
# Make a simlink
# ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
or using Express (server.js)
npm install -g firebase-tools
firebase login
firebase init
firebase deploy
heroku create --buildpack
git push heroku master
heroku open
To deploy to gh-pages
this very useful npm script deploy-to-gh-pages can be used.