bin/runebased --datadir=/home/app/aarunebase
//start runebase node
bin/runebased --datadir=/home/app/bridgeRunebaseDate &
runebase/src/runebased --datadir=/home/bago/bridgeRunebaseData &
//stop runebase node
//copy runebase.conf
bin/runebased --datadir=/home/app/bridgeRunebaseDate
create .env file and fill these values
BSC_PRIVATE_KEY="" # The bridge wallet's privateKey in BSC blockchain
BSC_RPC="https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545" # the BSC RPC ( this one for testnet) -- for more rpc > https://docs.binance.org/smart-chain/developer/rpc.html
BSC_CONTRACT="" # contract address
BSC_CONFIRMATIONS_BLOCKS=3 # confirmations required
BSC_FEES=150 # the fee percent of the real fees -- if BSC gonna charge 1 idna in USD then the bridge will substract 1.5 iDNA before minting -- only applied for swaps type 0
IDENA_PROVIDER="" # a private or public node can be used -- this field for the rpc url
IDENA_API_KEY="" # the rpc key
IDENA_PRIVATE_KEY="" # The bridge wallet's privateKey in Idena blockchain
MIN_SWAP=10 # Min amount that can be swapped
IDENA_CONFIRMATIONS_BLOCKS=3 # confirmations required
IDENA_FIXED_FEES=1 # Fixed fees in iDNA ( this only gets applied for type 1 > from BSC to IDENA)
CHECKING_DELAY=5000 # the delay between each checking (a function checks if there is a pending Swaps ...)
# mysql db configuration
Then execute node install.js
This will recreate the db table
This can be skipped if u already created the db table
To start the bridge backend execute this npm start
Notice : start only 1 instance and do not use pm2 ( because of the checker function)
This bridge allows swapping from Idena blockchain to BSC and the opposite It Checks every specified time if there is a pending swaps and then it checks what happened to it's Tx see index.js > checkSwaps function
Features list :
- local nonce for idena blockchain wallet
- Dynamic fees for Bsc Txs and preset fees for idena
- Checking for most of the parameters that the user can send to the API
- Creating Txs locally instead of using an idena node rpc directly for sending
- Many more that are not written here :)