Build with GitHub Action Workflow daily.
This project is only for OpenWRT routers. Currently it's based on 1907.
You may want original project here.
First, Add the public dist key.
opkg-key add
You can use the following command to get architecture.
opkg print-architecture | awk '{print $2}'
Then, check your architecture in all branches and add the following line to /etc/opkg.conf
src/gz simonsmh{architecture}
Then install what you want.
opkg update
opkg install ChinaDNS
opkg install luci-app-chinadns
opkg install dns-forwarder
opkg install luci-app-dns-forwarder
opkg install shadowsocks-libev
opkg install luci-app-shadowsocks
opkg install v2ray-plugin
opkg install luci-app-pdnsd
opkg install v2ray-core
opkg install luci-app-v2ray
opkg install luci-app-vlmcsd
For more detail please check the source code.
You can also search and install them in LuCI or SCP/FTP upload these downloaded files to your router, then login to your router and use opkg to install these ipk files.
Build configurable images after the SDK finished building with ImageBuilder. The images are stored in the device named branchs. Reference for installation
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