Style faster.
DEPRECATED: vim-hyperstyle is a new and better implementation of this idea.
My collection of CSS snippets lets you type CSS faster. Just use these on a Vim+UltiSnips setup and you can type abbreviations of declarations to expand to full CSS like so:
To become:
display: block;
margin: 0;
float: left;
left: 5px;
Add to your .vimrc:
Bundle 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Bundle 'rstacruz/vim-ultisnips-css'
Below is a list of available snippets. For those with #
, you can replace it with a number.
For instance, l#
can be l0
(left: 0), or l10
(left: 10), etc
Snippet | Description |
cf | +clearfix |
@nondesktop | @media (max-width: 1200px) /* phone, tablet, laptop */ |
@portrait | @media (max-width: 480px) /* portrait */ |
@phone | @media (max-width: 768px) /* phone */ |
@mobile | @media (max-width: 992px) /* mobile */ |
@desktop | @media (min-width: 1201px) /* desktop */ |
@tablet | @media (min-width: 769px) /* tablet, desktop */ |
@laptop | @media (min-width: 993px) /* laptop */ |
an | animation: {name 300ms linear infinite} |
bgaf | background-attachment: fixed; |
bgal | background-attachment: local; |
bgas | background-attachment: scroll; |
bga | `background-attachment: {scroll |
bgcb | background-clip: border-box; |
bgcc | background-clip: content-box; |
bgcp | background-clip: padding-box; |
bgclip | `background-clip: {border-box |
bgc | background-color: {transparent} |
bgi | background-image: {url()} |
bpos | background-position: {x y} |
bgp | background-position: {x y} |
bp | background-position: {x y} |
brn | background-repeat: no-repeat; |
bgrn | background-repeat: no-repeat; |
bgrx | background-repeat: repeat-x; |
brx | background-repeat: repeat-x; |
bry | background-repeat: repeat-y; |
bgry | background-repeat: repeat-y; |
bgr | background-repeat: {no-repeat} |
bgsa | background-size: auto; |
bgst | background-size: contain; |
bgsc | background-size: cover; |
bgcover | background-size: cover; |
bgs | background-size: {auto} |
bg | background: {#fff url(image.png) no-repeat left top fixed} |
bbr | border-bottom-left-radius: {!3px}; border-bottom-right-radius: {!3px}; |
bblr | border-bottom-left-radius: {3px} |
bbrr | border-bottom-right-radius: {3px} |
bb# | border-bottom: {#}; |
bb | border-bottom: {solid 1px #333} |
bcc | border-collapse: collapse; |
bl# | border-left: {#}; |
bl | border-left: {solid 1px #333} |
brad# | border-radius: {#}; |
brad | border-radius: {3} |
br# | border-right: {#}; |
br | border-right: {solid 1px #333} |
blr | border-top-left-radius: {!3px}; border-bottom-left-radius: {!3px}; |
btr | border-top-left-radius: {!3px}; border-top-right-radius: {!3px}; |
btlr | border-top-left-radius: {3px} |
brr | border-top-right-radius: {!3px}; border-bottom-right-radius: {!3px}; |
btrr | border-top-right-radius: {3px} |
bt# | border-top: {#}; |
bt | border-top: {solid 1px #333} |
b# | bottom: {#}; |
b | bottom: {0} |
bs | box-shadow: {x y blur spead color} |
bsb | box-sizing: border-box; |
bsp | box-sizing: padding-box; |
cb | clear: both; |
cl | clear: left; |
cr | clear: right; |
cf | clearfix() |
co | color: {#333} |
cud | cursor: default; |
cd | cursor: default; |
cuew | cursor: ew-resize; |
cuna | cursor: not-allowed; |
cuns | cursor: ns-resize; |
cup | cursor: pointer; |
cp | cursor: pointer; |
ct | cursor: text; |
cut | cursor: text; |
cu | `cursor: {default |
db | display: block; |
dib | display: inline-block; |
di | display: inline; |
dn | display: none; |
dtc | display: table-cell; |
dtr | display: table-row; |
dt | display: table; |
d | `display: {none |
fl | float: left; |
fr | float: right; |
ff | font-family: {sans-serif} |
fs | font-size: {1em} |
fi | font-style: italic; |
italic | font-style: italic; |
fsi | font-style: italic; |
fsn | font-style: normal; |
fw1 | font-weight: 100; |
f1 | font-weight: 100; |
f3 | font-weight: 300; |
fw3 | font-weight: 300; |
fw4 | font-weight: 400; |
f4 | font-weight: 400; |
fw5 | font-weight: 500; |
f5 | font-weight: 500; |
f7 | font-weight: 700; |
fw7 | font-weight: 700; |
fw9 | font-weight: 900; |
f9 | font-weight: 900; |
bold | font-weight: bold; |
fb | font-weight: bold; |
fwb | font-weight: bold; |
fwn | font-weight: normal; |
fn | font-weight: normal; |
font | font: {italic bold 1em/1.5em serif} |
f | font: {italic bold 1em/1.5em serif} |
h100 | height: 100%; |
h# | height: {#}; |
hlh | height: {0px}; line-height: {1.5}; |
h | height: {0} |
l# | left: {#}; |
l | left: {0} |
lb | left: {0}; bottom: {0}; |
lt | left: {0}; top: {0}; |
ls | letter-spacing: {0} |
lh | line-height: {1.5} |
mb# | margin-bottom: {#}; |
mb | margin-bottom: {0} |
ml# | margin-left: {#}; |
ml | margin-left: {0} |
mr# | margin-right: {#}; |
mr | margin-right: {0} |
mt# | margin-top: {#}; |
mt | margin-top: {0} |
m0a | margin: 0 auto; |
moa | margin: 0 auto; |
m0p0 | margin: 0; padding: 0; |
mopo | margin: 0; padding: 0; |
m# | margin: {#}; |
m | margin: {0} |
mah | max-height: {none} |
maw | max-width: {none} |
mh | min-height: {100%} |
mw | min-width: {100%} |
nr | no-repeat |
op | opacity: {0} |
oxa | overflow-x: auto; |
oxh | overflow-x: hidden; |
oxs | overflow-x: scroll; |
oya | overflow-y: auto; |
oyh | overflow-y: hidden; |
oys | overflow-y: scroll; |
oa | overflow: auto; |
oh | overflow: hidden; |
os | overflow: scroll; |
o | `overflow: {hidden |
pb# | padding-bottom: {#}; |
pb | padding-bottom: {0} |
pl# | padding-left: {#}; |
pl | padding-left: {0} |
pr# | padding-right: {#}; |
pr | padding-right: {0} |
pt# | padding-top: {#}; |
pt | padding-top: {0} |
p# | padding: {#}; |
p | padding: {0} |
poa | position: absolute; |
pof | position: fixed; |
por | position: relative; |
pos | position: static; |
rx | repeat-x |
ry | repeat-y |
rb | rgba(black, {0.2}) |
rw | rgba(white, {0.2}) |
ra | rgba({0, 0, 0}, {0.5}) |
r# | right: {#}; |
r | right: {0} |
rb | right: {0}; bottom: {0}; |
rt | right: {0}; top: {0}; |
tla | table-layout: auto; |
tlf | table-layout: fixed; |
tl | `table-layout: {fixed |
tac | text-align: center; |
taj | text-align: justify; |
tal | text-align: left; |
tar | text-align: right; |
ta | `text-align: {left |
tdlt | text-decoration: line-through; |
tdn | text-decoration: none; |
tdu | text-decoration: underline; |
td | `text-decoration: {none |
ti | text-indent: {0} |
ts | text-shadow: {0 1px 0 #333} |
ttc | text-transform: capitalize; |
ttl | text-transform: lowercase; |
ttu | text-transform: uppercase; |
tt | `text-transform: {capitalize |
t# | top: {#}; |
t | top: {0} |
tf | transform: {scale(1.0)} |
tst | transition: {all 300ms ease} |
usa | user-select: all; |
usn | user-select: none; |
ust | user-select: text; |
us | `user-select: {none |
vabl | vertical-align: baseline; |
vab | vertical-align: bottom; |
vam | vertical-align: middle; |
vat | vertical-align: top; |
va | `vertical-align: {top |
vc | visibility: collapse; |
vh | visibility: hidden; |
vv | visibility: visible; |
v | `visibility: {visible |
w100 | width: 100%; |
wa | width: auto; |
w# | width: {#}; |
w | width: {0} |
wh | width: {0}; height: {0}; |
zi | z-index: {1} |
Just edit the YML file, don't edit the snippet files themselves.
© 2012, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License.
- My website (
- Github (@rstacruz)
- Twitter (@rstacruz)